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Yes they do. That is why the use of them should be very judicious, and all possibilities considered before they are prescribed. Only a doctor has the experience and knowledge to fully do that. And that is why all antibiotics are (wisely) prescription only.

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Q: Do antibiotics kill good and bad bacteria?
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How antibiotics predispose animal for disease?

Antibiotics not only kill bad bacteria, they kill good bacteria, antibotics cannot know the difference, killing the good bacteria hurts the immune system.

What is the correlation between antibiotic use and thrush?

Antibiotics kill the bad bacteria which make us sick, but they also kill the good bacteria that our bodies need. The good bacteria actually help keep the "bugs" at bay, so when we take antibiotics and they kill all the bacteria (good and bad) we are then more susceptible to other problems, such as thrush. This can usually be avoided by taking pro biotics (cultured yogurt) or acidophylus tablets which replace the good bacteria in our bodies. You can take them while taking antibiotics, but can also take them full time, even when not taking antibiotics.

Why do you get diarrhea from anti biotic?

Because antibiotics kill bad bacteria as well as good ones. The good ones keep your stomach working.

What are antibiotics and what are they used for?

Antibiotics are medicines that cure infections. They have no effect on viruses.

What are the cons of antibiotics?

They kill both good and bad bacteria and can destroy antibodies that your body has produced to help you naturally fight off infections making you more susceptible to get another infection

What is the opposite of probiotics?

Bad bacteria. You do need this within your system to help balance out with the good (probiotic) bacteria. There is a balanced symbiotic relationship you should maintain between the two for optimal health

Can antibiotics cause stomach pain?

Yes because antibiotics are used to kill bacteria in the intestinal part of your body.. They are suppose to kill the bad bacteria but they tend to kill some good bacteria which then leads to diarrhea . Take acidophilus pills it should help.

Can you take probiotics with antibiotics?

Yes, you can take probiotics with antibiotics. Antibiotics can sometimes kill good bacteria in the gut along with harmful bacteria. Taking probiotics can help replenish the beneficial bacteria in your gut during and after a course of antibiotics. It is best to take them at least 2 hours apart to prevent interference with antibiotic absorption.

What is the difference between good bacteria and bad bacteria?

Good bacteria will not harm you if you consume it, it is also used in the production of cheese, alchohol and bread. Good bacteria is aslo used to break down matter in the enviroment. Bad bacteria will result in terribly BAD injuries or death. So dont consume bad bacteria and try not to consume good either! BY GEORGE.maka ...

How do antibiotics prevent bacteria and viruses?

There are several different mechanisms by which antibiotics kill or prevent the proliferation of bacteria.For instance, penicillins and cephalosporins bind to specific sites in the bacterial cell wall and prevent the bacterium from making new cell wall, so the wall they have breaks down and the cell dies.Others, like aminoglycosides, prevent the production of proteins in bacteria, so they cannot reproduce or grow.Some, like fluoroquinolones bind to a protein that prevents the bacterium from being able to duplicate its DNA.For as many different antibiotics, there are different mechanisms of action. Some kill the bacteria directly, and are called bactericidal and others prevent the bacteria from spreading and are called bacteriostatic. Bacteriostatic antibiotics slow the growth of the bacteria and allow the immune system to kill it off.

Why good bacteria are important for your body?

Good bacteria, known as probiotics, play a crucial role in maintaining a healthy balance in the gut microbiome. They help to digest food, produce essential nutrients, and support the immune system by helping to fight off harmful pathogens. Imbalances in gut bacteria have been linked to various health issues, so maintaining a diverse and healthy population of good bacteria is important for overall well-being.

Why are antibiotics in animal food bad?

Antibiotics in animal food is bad because the dseases and bacteria get used to the antibiotics in the feed and the evolve and learn how to beat it and therefore the antibiotics in animals feed has no longer an affect on the bacteria. You should only use antibiotics when completely necessary they are not to be used to prevent, only to cure.