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Penicillin's mode of action is dependent on the beta-lactam ring. This ring is analogous to the D-ala-D-ala peptide chain on glycan strands in peptidoglycan, the component that makes up the bacterial cell wall. Penicillin inhibits cell wall synthesis; therefore, it has no effect on a viral infection due to the structure of a virus. It is sometimes useful to prescribe antibiotics to prevent secondary infection by bacteria in the event that a viral infection damages the immune system.

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Q: Discuss why it would be fruitless to prescribe penicillin for a viral infection?
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Can I take azithromycine if I am allergic to penicillin?

Yes - it is a non-penicillin anti-biotic. Of course, nobody should take medical advice from strangers on the internet. Discuss this with your doctor and pharmacist.

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It could be a side effect of the penicillin causing a condition called oral thrush, which is a fungal infection of the mouth. It's important to contact your doctor to discuss these symptoms and possibly get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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The bibliography of penicillin includes scientific papers by Alexander Fleming (1929, 1945), Howard Florey, Ernst Boris Chain, and their collaborators. These papers describe the discovery, purification, and early experiments demonstrating the antibiotic properties of penicillin. Additionally, there are numerous textbooks, reviews, and historical accounts that discuss the development and impact of penicillin in medicine.

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Can you be allergic to penicillin and not amoxicillin?

No, If you have a confirmed allergy to one penicillin you will more than likely be allergic to all other penicillins. Amoxicillin is an example of an aminopenicillin. When you say that you have an allergy you should have had a type 1 hypersensitivity reaction to a penicillin. Meaning basically that it was bad enough to go the the hospital. If you experienced mild GI upset you may of not had an allergic reaction. You should consult you local pharmacist or discuss with you physician the types of reactions that you have had and they can make the best judgment of whether or not you have a penicillin allergy.

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We find no information about interactions between Chantix and any antibiotics. However, you should discuss possible drug interactions with your doctor at the time they are prescribed.

Allergy to Augmentin means allergy to all penicillin based medications?

Not necessarily. Firstly, Augmentin is a combination of two different medicines: amoxicillin, which is related to penicillin, and clavulanate, which is not. You could conceivably be allergic to either one. Secondly, even if you have a reaction to amoxicillin, it might not necessarily be related to the penicillin-like part of the molecule. Or it could be a different type of reaction to amoxicillin, which has nothing to do with allergy. Fortunately, penicillin is one of the few medications for which there is an allergy test. I'd suggest you talk to a board certified allergist to discuss the details.

How do you treat a rash on a dog without a prescription drug?

depends on what kind of rash it could be a yeast infection call a vet and discuss the nature of the rash.

Is it safe to take penicillin in early weeks of pregnant?

If your doctor knows you are pregnant and you are not allergic, take it, he is prescribing it because it is the best antibiotic for your condition. Your baby is probably safe from the penicillin, but the infection may harm it. If a medication is going to damage a baby it is more likely in the early weeks as this is when the baby is forming. In the last weeks of pregnancy it is fully formed and is just maturing and putting on weight.

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will discuss.You will Discuss the future tense.