I'm not aware of any insurance companies that cover Viagra.
No Medicare does not cover surgical stockings
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If you mean does Medicare Part D pay for Viagra, the answer is yes and no. Under the Medicare Part D program requirements, which all Part D private insurers are required to be equal or greater than, Viagra, or drugs for erectile dysfunction are not covered. However, some Part D standalone plans or Medicare Advantage Plans with Prescription Drug Coverage (MA-PD's) provide value added benefits which include Viagra. Go to the Medicare.gov website and enter your drug information and your zip code to see a list of plans in your area.
every Medicare advantage plan is different, but they must cover what original Medicare would cover. Cataract surgery with an intraocular implant is very common and Medicare covers it regularly.
Medicare doesn't cover the complete cost of anything.
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Medicare C (Medicare Advantage or Medigap) is private insurance that you choose and pay for, to cover expenses not covered by Medicare A & B, such as copays, deductibles etc.