If you are on the type of pill that you take every day, the ones that you take when you menstruate are just sugar pills. You can safely skip those pills without increasing your risk of pregnancy. They are only there so you will stay in the habit of taking a pill at the same time every day.
It is still possible to get pregnant when on the pill no matter how good you are about taking it every day, so the answer to the original question would be yes. The odds are just incredibly low.
No, a lighter test band compared to the control band typically indicates a negative result for pregnancy. The presence of a dark test band is usually the indicator of a positive result for pregnancy.
Birth control pills do not have an effect on pregnancy tests.
The withdrawal bleeding is not regular menstruation. Birth control changes the hormones in your body and suppresses ovulation, therefore there's no egg that was released to cause menstruation. That's why birth control prevents pregnancy.
The "C" and "T" indicators on a pregnancy test signify the control line and the test line, respectively. The control line confirms that the test is working correctly, while the appearance of the test line indicates a positive result for pregnancy.
No, mixing a birth control pill with water will not make a pregnancy test positive. Pregnancy tests detect the presence of a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in urine or blood, which is produced during pregnancy. Taking a birth control pill or mixing it with water will not influence the result of a pregnancy test.
spotting is usually a sign of pregnancy. but it can also be a result from taking certain Birth Control.
Yes, but most women are much more likely to die as a result of pregnancy and childbirth.
It's possible. Spotting can also be a result of birth control pills as well as pregnancy.
Inactive and selective listening result in misunderstandings.
Inactive and selective listening result in misunderstandings.
can fluoxitine affect a pregnancy test result.
Pregnancy tests with both C and T results are typically accurate when used correctly. The C result indicates control line validity, while the T result indicates the presence of pregnancy hormone. It is important to follow the instructions carefully for accurate results.