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You "could" but I wouldn't unless it was prescribed THAT WAY FOR YOU.

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Same thing that happens if you take 1 30..........

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Q: Could it be bad if you take two 10 mg adderall pills at the same time?
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Can you mix adderall and mini thin pills together?

Everyone has different reactions to mixing these types of pills, but personally, when I take any type of over the counter energy pill and follow it with adderall, it makes me very shaky and agitated. I've seen this reaction with alot of people, and have yet to see the adderall work after over the counter energy pills were taken before.

Is it safe to take adderall when you are taking Xnax?

You really shouldn't be on a prescription for Adderall and Xanax at the same time. It's possible that Adderall could potentiate the effects of the xanax. That means that if you mix them, you normal dose of Xanax could knock you out. It also depends on if you are taking Adderall because you have been diagnosed with ADD. The effects of Adderall are different for people who do not have ADD.

Can you take Adderall can you take Adderall while working as a CDL?

You could get licenced, but you can't operate a commercial vehicle while taking it.

Can you take adderall and cymblata a t the same time?

Yes you can.

Does taking adderall make birth control pills ineffective?

NOPE- adderall does not affect whether or not you can get pregnant on birth control pills, i.e. if you take adderall and birth control pills you won't get pregnant if you're taking the bc pills correctly. BUT make sure you don't have high blood pressure or problems with circulation or any type of high risk heart or blood problems. I say this because adderall and birth control pills can affect a woman's blood pressure, circulation, heart etc, and bc pills have a risk on the package that says "when taking bc pills (stop smoking) because of the risk of blood clots in women over 35"- pay some attention to the words on the pill packages, they are there for a reason.

Can you take an energy pill with Adderall?

That would be dumb. Energy pills are weak energy compared to Amphetamine. Amphetamine alone is good enough.

What if you take 20mg adderall xr at 300pm and you take another adderall xr 20mg at 700pm will the two last 24 hours?

That's a lot of adderall, you'll be up for over 20 hrs. and no doubt get sick That guy has no idea what he is talking about. If you take the 3 20mg adderal XR at the exact same time, it could last at the very longest 12 hours. Depending on your tolerance, metabolism, if you ate before taking it, if you drank something acidic before taking it. If the food you at was fatty or healthy. If you eat a full meal, the adderall's effectiveness can weaken up to 44%. On an empty stomach you'll get the full effects. If pills were taken at the same time based on all those factors it could last for 4-12 hours. If you spead the 3 pills apart it can last from 12-34 hours.

Can you take Cipro and Adderall together?

yes you can, i am prescribed 15mg adderall xr and my obgyn prescribed me cipro 500mg. I asked my pharmacist to make sure i could take them together or if i should wait a little while after i took the adderall to take the cipro and he said that it is ok to take them together.

How long can you be on addrall?

You can take adderall forever as long as you crush the pills up and inject them into a major artery. Adderall is not soluble in water so you must mix it with ethanol and heat it with an open flame until it dissolves completely. Swallowing the pills will just eat holes in your stomach and more than likely give you AIDS. If you plan on taking Adderall for an extended period of time, make sure you take at least twice what your doctor prescribes you so you do not develop a tolerance. Always consult the internet before you start an everyday Adderall regimen. Hope this helps.

Can you take adderall and Vyvanse at the same time?

sure why not its the same stuff just dont OD

You have to take the?

You have to take the pills as directed. If it comes with two pills, then you must take both for the treatment to be effective, or you could become pregnant.

Should a child take adderall and melatonin at the same time?

Of course not! That would be like speed balling your child i know no doctor in there right mind would say "It's fine to take adderall and melatonin at the same time"