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Q: Cephalexin or amoxicillin 500 mg Do both work as Pre treatment for dental work?
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Can you mix amoxicillin with cephalexin?

Both Amoxicillin and Cephalexin are prescribed medications that would be issued under the treatment of a physician. Therefore, a physician would have to give the directive to use both antibiotics simultaneously. It is unlikely that any physician would prescribe both at the same time. More importantly, both Amoxicillin and Cephalexin are antibiotics, often used to treat the same diagnosis such as urinary tract infection or a sinus infection. What differentiates them is their spectrum classification that relates to their inherent effectiveness to the level of infection. Amoxicillin is a narrow-spectrum antibiotic, treating a smaller range of bacteria than the broad-spectrum antibiotic, Cephalexin. Narrow-spectrum antibiotics tend to be lower in cost, and are often considered the first line of defense especially in milder case infections. When Amoxicillin is ineffective in combating the infection, Cephalexin may be prescribed for a more aggressive course of action due to its broader range of bacteria effectiveness. It would be superfluous to use both Amoxicillin and Cephalexin as their mechanism of action is similar, the disruption of bacterial cell wall synthesis. And given the additive side-effects of using both and the risks of antibiotic resistance developing, it may also be considered irresponsible.

What happens if you take concreta and amoxicillin?

There is no problem in taking amoxicillin while on Concerta (or any methylphenidate pills) as long as you require both treatment. It can be taken at the same time.

Can you take vicodine while on amoxicillin?

Yes, you can take both. Amoxicillin is an Antibiotic.

What ingredients in amoxicillin cause hives?

Amoxicillin Capsules contain amoxicillin as the active ingredient which belongs to a class of antibiotics called 'penicillins'. The capsules are used to treat infections caused by bacteria that are susceptible to amoxicillin. These include: bronchitis, pneumonia, middle ear, gynaecological, urinary tract, skin (e.g. cellulitis), meningitis, typhoid, dental abscess, blood poisoning, heart inflammation. These ingredients may trigger hives since it can cause allergic reactions.

Who is the best dental insurance PPO or HMO?

PPO and HMO, both are acceptable dental insurance. PPO dental insurance allows you to concern other dentist with some limitation coverage. HMO dental insurance provides expert dentist in their network to offer best treatment. You can choose any insurance plan which suits you the best.

Can you take cephalexin with mucinex?

Yes, cephalexin is for your infection -- remember to take every single pill to kill every single bacteria causing the infection! Mucinex is an expectorant for the congestion, so it's OK to take both.

Does medicare cover gum disease treatment by a periodontist?

Medicare's dental coverage is limited and typically does not cover routine dental care, such as cleanings, fillings, extractions, or treatment for gum disease. However, there are a few exceptions: Medicare Part A may cover dental services if they are considered medically necessary and are performed in a hospital as part of a larger medical procedure. For example, if you need dental surgery due to a severe infection that affects your overall health, Medicare Part A may provide some coverage. Some Medicare Advantage (Part C) plans offer additional dental coverage as part of their benefits packages. These plans are offered by private insurance companies and may provide coverage for certain dental services, including treatment for gum disease. The specific coverage and costs will vary depending on the plan. Some state Medicaid programs offer dental coverage for low-income individuals, including coverage for gum disease treatment. If you qualify for both Medicare and Medicaid (dual eligibility), you may be able to access dental services through Medicaid. In general, for routine dental care and treatment of gum disease by a periodontist, individuals often need to purchase separate dental insurance or pay for these services out of pocket. It's essential to review your specific Medicare plan or Medicare Advantage plan's benefits to understand what dental services, if any, are covered. Additionally, you can inquire about dental insurance plans that provide coverage for the dental care you need.

Can mixing dilantin and amoxicillin cause seizures?

Yes, because both drugs are protein bound. The amoxicillin may displace dilantin from the protein causing the blood level to change. This is more apt to occur on high doses or long term use of amoxicillin.

What cities have both a dental and veterinary school?

suny buffalo has both

When are dental implants necessary?

Do you have pain while chewing? May be that will be a sign of you need a root canal treatment. A root canal treatment will help you bring back your smile like never before. Dental implant is a common treatment for tooth loss and it can arise due to various reasons like poor oral hygiene, tooth decay, gum deseases and more. Dental implant surgery mainly focus on placing artificial tooth into jawbones to provide a stable, long-lasting basis for a new tooth. Because it replaces both the tooth and the root, an implant is different from previous methods of replacing teeth. Dental implants are changing the way people live. They are designed to provide a strong foundation for replacing teeth that look, feel, and function like natural teeth. Dental implants can help a person suffering from loss of teeth regain the ability to eat virtually anything. Not just that it appears just as natural and helps retain the facial contours enabling our patients to smile again with confidence. An expert will always help you to solve all your dental probles. At Wassan Dental Clinic, we offer the best Dental Implants Treatment in Oman. Our experts will help you to solve all your dental problems and regain your smile.

How is math related to dental work?

They both have roots? Math: Square Root, Dental: Root Canal.

Is there a dental school in Nevada?

University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine are both good choices