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Q: Can you wear contact lenses during retinal scans?
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Scratch-resistant lenses, cordless power tool, CAT and MRI scans, and freeze-dried food

Why are parathyroid scans not recommended during pregnancy?

Parathyroid scans are not recommended for pregnant women because of the potential harm to the developing fetus.

How do GI bleeding scans work?

Bleeding scans are based on the accumulation of radioactive material as it exits from the vessels during a bleeding episode.

What metal is used as a dye during CAT scans?

Iodine is commonly used as a contrast dye in CAT scans (computed tomography scans) to help enhance the visibility of blood vessels, organs, and other structures in the body. It is injected into a patient's bloodstream before the scan to improve the clarity of the images produced.

What is the name of the person who scans the babies?

The title of a person who does your baby scan during pregnancy is a sonographer

Which type of biometric security is the most secure?

Retina scanning is considered one of the most secure biometric security measures due to its high level of accuracy and unique identifiers in the structure of the eye.

What is biometric data?

Biometric data refers to unique physical or behavioral characteristics of an individual that can be captured and used for identification purposes. Examples include fingerprints, facial recognition, voice patterns, and retinal scans. This data is often used for security purposes or to authenticate a person's identity.

Are eyeprints a valid method of identification?

Eyeprints, also known as retinal scans, are a valid method of identification as each person's retinal blood vessel pattern is unique. They are highly secure and accurate, often used in high-security applications such as government agencies and financial institutions for authentication purposes. However, the technology required for eyeprint recognition can be expensive and less commonly found in everyday applications.

How is echinococcus diagnosed?

CT Scans - MRI Scans

Name a medical use of sound energy?

Ultrasound scans are done - for instance to look at the foetus during pregnancy