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Yes I did. It worked better for me than decreasing does of Effexor from 225mg. I immediately stopped taking Effexor 225mg. Then started with 20mg of Fluoxetine (Prozac) for first week then go to 10mg for second week. I got a 30 day supply of 10mg. Take 2 per day 10 mg for first week..then 1 per day 10mg second week. then throw out the rest. No side effects for me at all. Doctor here in Atlanta recommended it.

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Not without risking a seizure!

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Q: Can you wean off Xanax with Prozac?
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Is Prozac a benzodiazapine?

No, It is a SSRI. Benzo's are xanax and ativan.

Does Prozac make Xanax stronger?

Prozac is an SSRI, a specific serotonin reuptake inhibitor. Xanax is a sedative. Prozac works by slowing the breakdown of serotonin, therefore increasing the quantity in the synapse and your brain. Xanax works by slowing down the nerve impulses (I think). One doesn't make the other stronger, but prozac might get metabolized first by the liver, causing an increase in blood xanax levels. Talk to your pharmacist.

Can you switch from Prozac to zoloft without weaning off the Prozac first?

i wouldn't worry too much about weaning off of's acclimating to effexor (and weaning off of it) that's tough.that said, effexor worked wonderfully for me, pulling me out of a very deep's just that it has side effects that can be pretty rough.

Is it medically safe to combine a drug such as Xanax with Prozac as a part of his or her anxiety treatment?

While there are no direct drug interactions between Xanax and Prozac, any change in prescription medication regiments should be done through consultation with a medical professional.

What would happen if you take xanex and Prozac together?

you will probably feel tired as xanax is a tranquilizer, not sure about the effects of mixing the too, so i would ask your doctor

Can you switch from Wellbutrin to Prozac without weaning off Wellbutrin first?

It depends on your doctor's recomendations. Prozac is a stronger and different form of medicine, and you will not act the same way you did when you move to Welbutrin. It is safe to take Welbutrin and Prozac at the same time. Even when used together they work on two different parts of the brain. Welburtin is used more for depression, and Prozac is used more for Anxiety. If you are more anxious than depressed, then stay with the Prozac family. If you are more depressed, then move to Welbutrin. If you decide to move over, wean onto welbutrin (this will be rather quick due to welburtin has few sideeffects and you start with a high dose rather quickly); then after a couple of weeks to a month keep a journal. You may decide to stay on Welbutrin and Prozac at the same time. If you decide to still move away from the Provac then wean off. It will take up to a month to wean off from Prozac. During this time-frame keep a journal of your behaviours each day. Write down the days that you are upset for no reason, and the days that you are extremely happy, also note any other behaviors that are outside of your normal. This will help you determine is Prozac is good for you or not. It will also let you know that when you come off of Prozac completely, Welbutrin will not be able to control your anxiety and depression alone.

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I have taken Prozac on and off for many years and it has never been problem. my company tested randomly (alot). I was told that they would have to test for a certain chemical structure ( prozac) and they can not test for all drugs. Usually the common abused drugs are the ones that concern employer. marijuana,Cocaine,Meth,Heroin, Amphetamines,Barbituates, and somtimes Benzodiazapines( valium,xanax,..)

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