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yes, but methadone fills the neural receptors for opiates in the brain mush stronger than smack. If you are on 20mgs. or more of methadone, you are wasteing your time.

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Methadone will block the effects of heroin which will make it pointless to use heroin if you are taking methadone.

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Q: Can you use herion while on methadone?
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Can probation drug test differeniate methadone and herion?

is methadone and herion the same on drug test

Is methadone a drug?

yes it is a synthetic Herion.

What is methadone hydrochloride used?

Methadone Hydrochloride is used as a herion replacement in the treatment herion addicts to help get them off heroin.

Will methadone make you die?

if you take to much yes. Kicking methadone will make you wish you were dead. It is harder to kick than herion.

Why is methadone used?

its used to get clean off of herion and other painkillers (such as perks and vicoden ect.)

Are Oxycontin withdrawels worst than herion withdrawels. Can you get off Oxycontin by snorting herion for a week then try to get off the herion ultimately beating both?

Oxycontin and Heroin withdrawals are very similar..........Opiates are opiates...Your question works in theory, but not in real life....The only way that is possible to beat the Oxycontin the way you describe is to use Methadone for 3 to 4 days after stopping the Oxycontin............No more. Do not become addicted to Methadone, it is ten times worse than Heroin or Oxycontin withdrawals when you quit

If you take methadone will you be able to get high on herion?

Yes, methadone is an opiate blocker and will block the effects of heroine.----------------------------------ImprovementMethadone does not contain an opiate blocker at all. It has a cross-tolerance with opioids, and higher doses of methadone can reduce the high: but from first hand experience I can tell you categorically that methadone does not totally block the high you get from taking heroin.

Can you get off herion while boyfriend still use?

Yes, but that would make it much more difficult.

Does methadone wean you off morphine?

Yes, Morphine is an opiate. Methadone is used to prevent withdrawal and is much easier to stop using than drugs like herion, pain pills, & narcotics, which morphine is (an opiate based narcotic).

How long does a typical daily dose of Methadone maintenance last?

Methadone, if taken as prescribed by your physician, should keep you well throughout the day until it is time to take it again the following day.

Is methadone a synthetic herion?

Dilaudid is a semi-synthetic drug and both an opiate and a true narcotic, similar to heroin and other opiates. It is used in medicine as an alternative to morphine.Dilaudid is eight times strong than morphine and four time stronger than heroin. It is a classified as Schedule II narcotic, meaning that it has extra potential for drug abuse and drug addiction.

Can you take methadone while taking robaxin?

can you test postive for methadone while taking methocarbamol