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YES! omg second hand smoke takes many by surprise! Say you are in a room or a car or if you are boxing anything you will inhale smoke and you might have a minor high, but point is you are not going to come clean on a drug test because u "smoked"...

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Q: Can you test positive for marijuana by being in a room with other smokers?
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Related questions

How much money does the government waste on arresting marijuana smokers and dealers?

Hundreds of millions of dollars, but that's not the biggest problem.The marijuana laws ruin lives and create two unnecessary classes of criminal, marijuana dealers and marijuana smokers, neither of whom are a danger to society.The other factor is that the focus of law enforcement, courts and jails on marijuana enforcement prevents those resources from being used to actually impact crime or protect people.Answer - Not a dime. Every penny spent is worth it. Grow up. Quit getting high.

How can a person come up positive for marijuana and not be a marijuana smoker?

A person could test positive for marijuana by being around secondhand smoke, consuming products containing CBD or THC, or using other substances that may cross-react with the drug test. It's also possible for a person to unknowingly ingest marijuana through contaminated food or drink.

You are going for an urine test and you use marijuana would you be test positive even if the main purpose of the test is not a drug test?

My answer would positive because marijuana is the main dangerous drug which can ensure other in the category .

Can you test positive to weed if you had a blood test taken four days later?

if this was specifically a marijuana test then yes of course you would test positive. If it was a normal CBC or some other type then they wouldn't test for marijuana

Is marijuana being illegal a state or national law?

No, Marijuana is being banned on national law in USA and many other countries have already banned its usage.

What kind of friends do people who smoke have?

To some extent smokers will tend to socialize with other smokers, but the social segregation of smokers from non-smokers is not that strict; in reality, smokers can have the same range of friends that non-smokers have.

People who smoke this drug should not smoke it around kids right?

uh no. kids are still developing and inhaling marijuana smoke will mess with their brains and decrease cognition. being around smokers may also encourage them to abuse other drugs in the future, which is obviously not what anyone wants for their kids.

Can marijuana have rosemarry in it?

only if some one adds it. its like asking can a cake have sprinkles on it. PS: if your marijuana has rosemarry in it punch whoever sold it to you in the face. its not supposed to but unexperienced smokers do get ripped off and one way is by adding a filler like rosemarry, catnip, and other spices so they dont have to put as much marijuana in a sack (ussually a tore off corner of a plastic bag that is tied and contains marijuana)

The effects of marijuana on the respiratory system?

Someone who smokes marijuana regularly may have many of the same respiratory problems that tobacco smokers have. These individuals may have daily cough and phlegm, symptoms of chronic bronchitis, and more frequent chest colds. Continuing to smoke marijuana can lead to abnormal functioning of the lungs and airways. Scientists have found signs of lung tissue injured or destroyed by marijuana smoke.

How much do you have to smoke to test positive on a hair folicul test?

Since they usually don't test hair follicles for cigarette smokers, I'm assuming the questioner is referring to marijuana smoke. The is, if it's enough to get you high once, it's enough to test. If it's not enough to get you high, it still may be enough to test. Testing of follicles for marijuana smoke is about as accurate as testing urine. It's far superior to urine for other drugs, such as cocaine, PCP, opiates, etc.

What are the differences between smokers and non smokers lungs?

We are all people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ----Smokers and non-smokers are very similar, besides the lungs, how powerful the heart is, and part of the brain, other than that, mostly the same.----

Will the diet supplement havoc test positive on a drug test?

If the test is for steriods it will. If the test if for other drugs (cocain, marijuana, meth, etc) it will not.