There are no known interactions between Toradol (Ketorolac) and Adderall (amphetamine/Dexter amphetamine). This is not to say some sort of interaction can't occur. As both are prescription only drugs, your pharmacist will have notified you of this.
A person can take Toradol and Mucinex together. It would be best that you did not take them together.
can i take adderall with my cialis
They are 2 different medications, but they both can be used to treat pain. Toradol will also decrease inflammation. If you have aspirin sensitivity, be careful with Toradol. It can also be hard on your kidneys. It is not a good drug to take longer than 5 days. It can be a lifesaver for kidney stone pain relief for many adults. Lortab is a narcotic pain reliever, but has Tylenol in it as well. It might be a good idea to take the Toradol first, then if you do not have relief within a reasonable amount of time, take the Lortab in the lowest possible dose to obtain relief
Toradol tablets are not a scheduled narcotic.
No. Toradol is an NSAID just like motrin or ibuprofen.
Toradol is an anti-inflammatory drug used for pain
Cardiovascular conditions are a contraindication for adderall. Therefore it is a NO NO.
Yes! There are no known reactions b/t these two drugs.
Yes, it increases the effect of the methanphetamine in the adderall
You could get licenced, but you can't operate a commercial vehicle while taking it.