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Yes, both drugs could be taken together. However, both drugs are opiates and act the same way in the body. All you'll get is more side effects without a huge amelioration in your pain control. Talk to your physician about augmenting your dosage for only 1 agent and switching to another if you need more effect or if you had accumulated too much metabolites.

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You definitely should not.

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Q: Can you take methadone and hydrocodone together?
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How much methadone should you take when took 60 mg hydrocodone a day?

none you shuoldnt take any opiate with methadone.

Do methadone and hydrocodone show up as the same thing in a urinalysis?

No, Methadone will only show up as methadone and hydrocodone will show up as an opiate.

Is hydrocodone the same as methadone?

Yes, but it is really pointless because methadone has opiate blocking properties and will block the effects of the hydrocodone. When I was on methadone, I had a root canal and got vicodin (hydrocodone) and they did absolutley nothing because of the methadone. Methadone does help with pain though.

Does methadone show up separately than hydrocodone on a urine drug test?

Yes, methadone will only show up as methadone and hydrocodone will show up as an opiate.

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Can methadone show differently from hydrocodone in a drug test?

Yes, methadone shows up as methadone cause it requires its own specific test and hydrocodone will show up as an opiate.

Will hydrocodone show up as methadone in a urinalysis?

No, methadone is synthetic and requires its own specific test. Hydrocodone will show up as an opiate on a urinalysis.

Does methadone show up in your system the same as hydrocodone?

No. Hydrocodone will test as an opiate. When drug testing they have to specifially test you for Methadone. Methadone shows up as Methadone. Like codiene, vicodin, lortab are opiates. Valuim, Xanax, Ativan are benzo's. butabutal (fiorcet) is a barbituate. Methadone is Methadone.

Will methadone show up the same as hydrocodone in a ten panel urine test?

No, Methadone will only show up if it is on the panel. Hydrocodone will show up as an opiate.

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