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Can u take Benedryl with high blood pressure

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11y ago
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11y ago

NO my grandomther did and she is in the ICU. She has a macine breathing for her and a heart monitor please donjt mix them !

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12y ago

I definitely would not recommend it. Both have a sedative effective so the combination would be absolutely irresponsible if you had to work or drive.

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No, Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is an antihistamine and is not known to affect high blood pressure. However, individuals with hypertension should always consult their healthcare provider before taking any new medication, including Benadryl.

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If you have normal blood pressure and you take medicine for high blood pressure, you could cause your blood pressure to go too low and you could end up in a coma or even dead.

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Medicien that begins with a B?

Benicar is a medicine. It treats high blood pressure.