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This is not recommended nor is it necessary. Increased Estrogen can cause growth of facial hair, mood changes, and other adverse affects. Your ovaries supply enough estrogen to your body to maintain your feminine traits. It is only necessary to take estrogen if you have an embalance and need to increase the amount in addition to what your body produces, or if you have had your ovaries removed. The amounts of hormones in Birth Control are very small and only enough to prevent pregnancy. The birth control that is right for you should be determined by you and your doctor.

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Q: Can you take estrogen with an IUD?
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Yes, you can take prenatal vitamins while an IUD is in.

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An IUD is a choice of birth control.... I dont think you take antibiotics for birth control... you take antibiotics for infections.

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Medicaid plans cover IUD removal.

Is it true to get vaginal bleeding while you have the IUD and be pregnant?

Pregnancy on the IUD is unusual. Bleeding with the IUD is not a special sign of pregnancy. If you think you might be pregnant, take a pregnancy test.

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Take a pregnancy test

You are having a leep procedure with the Mirena IUD is there anyone that can tell you of their experiences with the IUD?

Just had the LEEP surgery... They had to take out the Mirena because of the string...Now I have to pay over 800 just to get a new IUD put in.

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How long does it take to insert an IUD?

Typically it takes about 10-20 minutes to insert an IUD. Most of that time is involved in setting up for the procedure.

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A Multiload IUD is a copper IUD.

Tender breasts with no period and have IUD?

Better take a pregnancy test

How can a male get the dr to give him estrogen?

a man should not take estrogen because it is a feminine hormone ,a man has testasterone