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Yes, you can take ibuprofen and codeine together with no adverse effects. The two work in different ways to block pain. The two are sometimes even prescribed together when a patient needs an anti-inflammatory as well as a narcotic opioid to block pain.

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12y ago

Tylenol 3 is prescribed for pain, ibuprofen is an over the counter inflammatory for pain. If Tylenol 3 isn't taking the pain away it shouldn't hurt to take an anti inflammatory as well but you should let your Dr know so he can adjust your meds accordingly.

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15y ago

vicodin does not it contains tylenol. some pain pills depending on what it is may have both hydrocodone and ibuprofen

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14y ago

I don't think it does, because my dad is allergic to codeine, and he takes ibprofen.

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Q: Can you take codeine with Ibuprofen?
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Can you take ibuprofen codeine in less than four hours?

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What medicine to take when you haves spacers-besides ibuprofen?

Pain pills! It's all about the codeine.

Does ibuprofen 600mg have or contain codeine?

It does not.

Why is Ibuprofen in codeine?

To stop inflammation

Can you take paracetamol and codeine and ibuprofen together?

Yes but ibuprofen and codeine are both hard on your stomach and together may cause nausea, vomiting and even stomach bleeding in some cases.

Is it safe to take Ibuprofen and codeine?

Yes, the combination is safe. You can take 600mg ibuprofen up to 4 times daily if needed. Take it with plenty of water and with food in your stomach

Do Ibuprofen have codeine sulfur pencill?

Ibuprofen is an over the counter (OTC) pain medication. That means you can buy it without a prescription. Codeine is a prescription medication in the United States. In the prescription medication Vicoprofen, Ibuprofen is combined with hydrocodone, which is a synthetic codeine (the prescription medicine found in Vicoden). Sulfa and penicillin are another class of medication altogether and would not be combined with Ibuprofen. That's not to say you cannot take them together if your Doctor prescribes them.

Can naproxen sodium and codeine phosphate with ibuprofen be taken together?

It can, but isn't necessary. Codeine is a stronger analgesic and with it having ibuprofen, it has the same benefit that naproxen would have if added. Kinda like taking codeine with 2 ibuprofens. Not needed. If more pain relief is needed you would want to see about an increased dosage of codeine w/ibuprofen... You shouldn't take ibuprofen and Naproxen together... both act the same way on the same receptors.. you'll only get more side effects and toxicity.

Can i take ibuprofen and codeine I am on Citalopram 20mg dailyi actually missed a dose today?

Only if you are courting death.

Can you take aspiring and ibuprofen at the same time?

No. Both of these drugs are NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) and should not be combined. If Ibuprofen is not sufficient, take it alongside paracetamol or a codeine based painkiller.