Yes, you can take Buspar with antihistamines HOWEVER, Buspar may increase the drowsiness effect of antihistamines, so care should be taken in this regard. Above all, let your physician know of all medications you are taking, (or might take during the course of prescription) including any over-the-counter ones.
No, you cannot take ibuprofen with lithium and Buspar and lamictol. There is a drug interaction warning for all NSAIDs for lithium and Buspar.
No it is not because I take 45mg of buspar and 300mg of wellbutrin and that is doctor prescribed
I truly don't see how it could be harmful. One is an anti-depressant and the other an antihistamine. Those aren't a deadly mix by any means!
Not sure about Buspar, but you can take Zoloft and Adivant together as long as it is prescribed that way. Usually your Dr will have you on Zoloft daily and Adivant as needed.
The cold medicine is an antihistamine so you are taking double the amount of antihistamine.
if u wanna die
Buspar is a common antidepressant, but it can cause a negative reaction if taken with antibiotics. Namely, it can cause excessive drowsiness, dizziness, and very high blood pressure.
Buspar(Buspirone) drug class is azaspirodecanedione
most cough syrups come with an antihistamine - you may not want to take sudafed with another antihistamine. quifenesin is an expectorant. check with your dr.
Is it safe to take propoxyphen with an antihistamine
can you take hydroxychloroquine and antihistamine