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I've been looking everywhere for an answer to this question but I can't seem to find a shred of evidence for either side. Common sense tells me it's probably okay but I'd never let my pup be a guinea pig.

My Labrador suddenly came down with a staph allergy so our vet put him on a cephalexin antibiotic regimen. Hopefully this will help him fight it and at least start to clear it up, but the problem is that the poor guy is going mad with the itching. I've been applying neosporin and hydrocortisone cream to all of the hot spots, and it helps (as long as I can keep him from licking it off until it soaks in) some, but there are just so many that it's next to impossible to cover them all.

I had been giving him benedryl along with the neosporin/hydrocortisone treatment, and it helped immensely. But now that he's on this antibiotic, I don't know whether it's safe to continue giving him benedryl.

While I think it probably wouldn't hurt him (especially since dogs have such a high tolerance to diphenhydramine) to mix the two, I don't want to do it until I know for sure. At this point I'm just smothering him in cream and hoping that the meds work quickly, but it hurts me to see him itching so bad. If ANYBODY knows anything on this subject, please let us all know. I'll ask the doc on Monday and hopefully I'll have an answer then. Again I apologize for not having a solution to this question, but I hope that the info I have given will help to some extent.

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12y ago

I've been taking Percocet, Penicillin, & Benadryl. Other than being tired alil more than usual I haven't noticed any problems. I had all 4 wisdom teeth taken out and that's why I've been taking them. I was prescribed percocet & penicillin for that, and I just added the benadryl to help with the swelling and it's been working wonders. Forewarning warning though, you'll be taking a lot of naps and don't over do it!

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14y ago

No, NEVER give an animal drugs that are meant for humans. this could make them very ill and they could die. take your animal to a vet when you think they aare ill.

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Q: Can you take benadryl and penicillin tablets at the same time?
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