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i know you can do lexapro and Adderall at the same time since i am personal prescribed to both. I am not sure what lamictal is though. Just try to take the adderall in the morning and take the lexapro at night since they would work against each other and would cause more than needed stess on your liver.

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Q: Can you take adderall lexapro lamictal all same time I was perscribed lexapro and lamictal from same dr. then i went to diet dr. he perscribed adderall for weight loss i didnt tell him bout lex lami?
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Can mixing Adderall and Percocet kill you?

Yes, you can mix appropriately perscribed amounts of percocet and Ridalin. They are not contraindicated one to the other. But not recommended for recreational use. Medications are perscribed (among other things) on physiological/psychological conditions and dosing on body weight ratio; as well as evaluation by a licensed clinitian.

Can you use Adderall to offset weight gain caused by Lexapro which was prescribed for depression and obsessive thinking?

AnswerThe simple answer would be yes, however, there are many pros and cons. First, in clinical studies, Lexapro is weight gain neutral, meaning that just as many people gain weight as lose weight. With that said, it is impossible to say whether the drug itself actually causes people to gain weight, and if it does it is unknown as to why which further complicates the matter.Second, you indicated that the the person had depression. Adderall is not recommended for people with depression, however, new studies have shown Adderall to actually be effective. Now the second part of the question that states that you have obsessive thinking. If this is the case, then I would definitely be very wary of taking Adderall, since Adderall is likely to increase this behavior.Third, both Adderall and Lexapro act on the same neurotransmitters. With that said, they are still very different drugs, but do run into the potential of counteraction each other. For instance, Adderall works primarily on dopamine, but has also been shown to increase serotonin as well. Lexapro works mainly on Serotonin. Now most SSRI's also will to a lesser extent increase dopamine and norepinephrine. If you are to mix Adderall with an antidepressant, Lexapro would be the best one to do so with, since studies show that Lexapro is cleaner and acts on serotonin and does not seem to increase the other neurotransmitters.Fourth, it is unlikely you will achieve the results you want. The truth is, Adderall works to decrease the weight mainly by suppressing your appetite. It also increases your metabolism, but this increase is negligible and is not likely to make any significant difference in weight. Also, you will notice a decrease in appetite at first and the Adderrall will work initially; however, over long periods of time, Adderral is not very effective in managing weight as your body becomes used to the drug.The best way to decrease your weight is through exercise. You should be doing exercises that elevate your heart rate to over 130 bpm, at least 4 times a week for 30 minutes - 60 minutes. While any exercise will burn calories and help, exercising of this intensity is the only real way to release endorphins which naturally increases both your serotonin and dopamine levels which will help reduce your need for the antidepressant and make your existing dosage more effective. Also, this level of exercise will elevate your glucose levels, thus naturally suppressing your appetite. And finally, even if the Lexapro has decreased your metabolism, this should offset any decrease and set you on the path to weight loss.Of course, not everyone can manage such a routine; however, it is the one likely to give you consistent results. In any event, you should speak with your doctor to weigh the pros and cons, as Adderall is a stimulant and a Schedule II controlled substance. Adderall has done many wonderful things for many people, especially in the area of ADHD; however, it also has the potential to do many negative things as well and has a higher potential of addiction than most other drugs.

What percent of people gain weight on Lexapro?

will i gain a little weight on 5mg of lexapro and will it only make you tired at the beginning

What is the chemical composition of Lexapro?

Lexapro's chemical name is escitalopram oxalate, with the molecular formula C20H21FN2O and a molecular weight of 324.39 g/mol.

What kind of people use adderall?

Anyone and everyone! That is why you must be moderate in your intake of this medication. It is easy to become addicted to it, and then to take more and more than is diagnosed by your doctor. One strategy -- if you are overdoing it -- is to cease taking it for a week to 10 days. Then when you resume it, you will again experience the same benefits at or near the original dose. Good luck!

Does Lexapro slow your metabolism down?

Lexapro rarely causes weight gain. It is sometimes prescribed for patients trying to lose weight, because it alleviates the emotional symptoms that lead to 'stress eating'.

What are the side effects of taking Adderall for weight loss?


Can Lexapro tablets be taken if broken in half?

I have been on Lexapro for about a month now. My weight is ballooning. I want to come off of it before the withdrawal get to bad. Does the time you are on lexapro coincide with the amount of withdrawl problems? The problem is, I feel great taking the lexapro, but, can't handle the side effect

Is adderall prescribed to adults?

Adderall is prescribed to adults to help them focus or stay calm, doctors may also prescribe it for weight loss

Can 703 mg of adderall kill you if you weigh 130-104?

That much Adderall would kill anyone regardless of weight. Why would you consider such a thing?

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Lexapro is an antidepressant and should not be taken for anything other than what it is prescribed for. If you wanna lose weight, modify your diet and go to the gym. Americans are always looking for a magic pill....get some will power and stop looking for a magic cure!