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Voltaren and ibuprofen, both being of the NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug) class, should not be taken together. Often drugs of the same class will compete for the same biological pathway, basically cancelling each other out (thus decreasing the pain-relieving effects) and increasing the side effects.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Yes -- there is no interaction between these two very different medications. Antidepressants such as Paxil could potentially cause stomach bleeding, especially when combined with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, and ketoprofen. Consult your doctor before combining Paxil with NSAIDs or blood-thinning drugs. In clinical testing, gastritis was observed "infrequently" and I can't find a listed contraindication. Clearly, as Paxil is a prescription med, this would invovle consultation with the Doctor Who prescribed it, so if this is a problem for the specific patient, that should be part of the consultation. Additionally, your doctor should be consulted before one starts and ongoing course of NSAIDs or any other medication, as these are generally intended for occassional use only.

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13y ago

Yes, there is no interaction between those 2 drugs if you don't have contraindications to one of the 2 drugs.

The combination of these two meds has been shown to increase bleeding risks, and should cleared by your doctor.

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9y ago

Yes, the two medications can be taken together. Advil is a pain reliever, and ibuprofen treats pain and also reduces fever.

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12y ago

Can you take Lyrica 2 x 75 g, Ibuprofen 3x800mg and paracetamol 2 x 500g together

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12y ago

I just did, n im fine

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Q: Can you take Voltaren and Ibuprofen together?
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