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I currently am on fentanyl 100mcg with 4mg dilaudid and 50mg ultram. The patch and dilaudid are for my cronic Back pain after major back surgery to remove 3 discs associated with spinalcerebellaratrophy also called opca. The ultram is for migraines.

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11y ago
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13y ago

Absolutely - in fact, Hydrocodone (Vicodin, etc.) and Oxycodone (Percocet, etc.) are commonly prescribed to Fentanyl patients as their breakthrough pain med.

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12y ago

I am all last week at 25 mcg patch on skin and 1000mg tramadol in my stomach

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Better up fent ,low tramadol.

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9y ago

Discuss this with your doctor and pharmacist. What may work for some could be fatal for others.

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14y ago


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What does the fentnayl patch in it can you give me the ingredients?

I have to take a urine test, can you tell me what is in the fentanyl patch have in it, because I haven't had the patch on in while, is it herion, metdone,morphine

Can you take Fentanyl patch 24mg and adderrall?


How many patches does it take of Fentanyl to kill you?

None! My God! Eating a fentanyl patch could kill you!

Can you take Adderall with Fentanyl patches?

No. This can cause a potentially lethal overdose. Venlafaxine is a cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor which is the enzyme which metabolizes fentanyl. Levels of fentanyl can reach lethal doses as a result of this combination.

Can you take tramadol while taking tamoxifen?

can you take tramadol with tamoxifen

Can you take 5mg Valium with 50mg Fentanyl patch if you have low grade emphysema?


How long how long after Fentanyl patch off can you take suboxone?

At least 2 days.

Will you get immediate relief from a 100 mg Fentanyl patch?

20 minutes to take effect

Can you take tramadol with lidocaine patch?

It is not advised as tramadol and lidocaine both lower the seizure threshold making one more prone to seizures.

Will it help if you take methadone with Fentanyl patch?

Feels good if you've got the tolerance for it... But fentanyl in the right dose works WELL all by itself.

What actions to take for a missing Fentanyl patch on patient's body?

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Does the Fentanyl patch prevent norco from working?

No, but Norco is such a weak opiate compared to Fentanyl patches that you'd likely never feel the effects if you did take any.