I currently am on fentanyl 100mcg with 4mg dilaudid and 50mg ultram. The patch and dilaudid are for my cronic Back pain after major back surgery to remove 3 discs associated with spinalcerebellaratrophy also called opca. The ultram is for migraines.
I have to take a urine test, can you tell me what is in the fentanyl patch have in it, because I haven't had the patch on in while, is it herion, metdone,morphine
None! My God! Eating a fentanyl patch could kill you!
No. This can cause a potentially lethal overdose. Venlafaxine is a cytochrome P450 3A4 inhibitor which is the enzyme which metabolizes fentanyl. Levels of fentanyl can reach lethal doses as a result of this combination.
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It is not advised as tramadol and lidocaine both lower the seizure threshold making one more prone to seizures.
At least 2 days.
20 minutes to take effect
Feels good if you've got the tolerance for it... But fentanyl in the right dose works WELL all by itself.
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No, but Norco is such a weak opiate compared to Fentanyl patches that you'd likely never feel the effects if you did take any.