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Q: Can you take Prednisone and nortriptyline together?
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I was on Nortriptyline for substantial period of time. It depends on an amount of Nortriptyline your are taking daily. Nortriptyline pills could be from 10 mg to 100 mg. Nortriptyline by itself has pretty high cardiac toxicity. So if your daily dosage is small 10-20 mg, I'd say there are no restrictions regarding taking Xanax and Nortriptyline together.But if you are on a higher dosage I'd suggest to be double cautious.

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I take prednisone, colonzapam, and flexirill together, but a cple a hours apart, and take the colonzapam last , it helps nullify some of the side effects of the antibioc i take as well, minocycoline. no bad effects yet.

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As prescribed. There is no harm in taking them together.

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Prednisone and amphetamine can be taken together however the combination may increase blood pressure. So if you are taking both medications together make sure to regularly check your BP.