I was directed here after I asked the same question for myself. There was no answer so I went ahead and used them together. It has been 5 1/2 hours and I've had no adverse reaction. I took (1) 800mg ibuprofen and cut a 5% Lidoderm Patch into 3 pieces (neck, top left shoulder, mid left shoulder blade). Although I am not completely pain free, my pain has been effectively managed by the use of the two together and enabled me to be more productive at work. I'm also hoping to get home and sleep while the effects are combined.
800mg is how many ml?
About 7.50 a pill. Depending on where you live it can get as high as 14 bucks a pill
Yes, but not for extended periods, less than a week. Do not exceed 650mg Tylenol and 800mg Motrin per dose. Dose no more often than every 8 hours. Or you can alternate them every 4 hours.
Can ativan .5 ng and Morin 200 mg be mixed
It is a tad excessive, but it is not overwhelming. If your 15mg percocet is not sufficient in treating your pain, speak to your doctor about adjusting your doses.
Tylenol is acetaminophen, and Motrin is an ibuprofen. They can be taken together, I am a nurse and have done it many times myself, and for my patients. Just make sure you are giving the appropriate doses of both medications, and then yes, they can be given at the same time.
Yes. You can take ibuprofen (brand name Motrin or Aleve) while taking Zyvox. Do NOT take anything with acetaminophen however (like Tyenol), as this can have a deadly interaction with Zyvox. How do I know the answer to this? My doctor prescribed me Zyvox (linezolid, 600 mg) and Motrin 800mg at the same time, and I'm perfectly fine.
Depends on the size of the dog. Call your vet or any other vet that is open at this time and ask them pronto. Human medications can be toxic to animals, so he/she may need an IV fluids flush immediately. Keep an eye on him/her, and give plenty of fluids. CONSULT YOUR VET.
Ibuprophen 800mg is a good anti-inflammatory. The brand name of the prescription is Motrin. You can also take 4 over-the-counter Ibuprophen 200mg from Walgreens and it's exactly the same thing. Ibuprophen is one of the most effective anti inflammatory medicines you can take. I have had it via prescription, because the copay with my prescription insurance is cheaper (than buying it over-the-counter) and taking one 800mg tablet is more appealing than taking 4 of the over the counter kind.