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yes, u can take tem together effexor xr in the am, trazadone in the evening and xanax as needed. be careful how much xanax he uses, it can cause increased depression. as the dosage of effexo is increased it covers anxiety so the xanax may not be needed so much. hope this helps..

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I did for years, with no adverse reactions. Cheers!

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Q: Can you take Effexor and ceftin at the same time?
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I am on effexor XL 150mg/day and I take E 2 weekends per month max 5-6 pills each time and I am always fine. I saw other sites saying it can kill you, others saying they counteract eachother so E wont work then others saying it makes it better! All I can say is I have been on Effexor XL 150 once daily for 2 years and taking E is the exact same now as before I took pills! I say do it... go enjoy enjoy yourself!

Can taking Effexor xr cause insomnia?

Yes, it most certainly may do just that. Do you take your Effexor ER 150 mg (or whatever dose you are takling) at the same time every day? I take it in the morning and it takes me a few hours to become fully awake. By 3:00 p.m., I starting to "perk" and by evening I am ready to come alive!!!!!!!! So, I am going to do an experiment on myself starting tomorrow evening; I will wait to take my effexor at 7:00 p.m. to see if that will make a difference. If so, that is one experiment out of the way. If any of you other users could stagger your dosing times and report back here with your reults, we make get to the bottom of this insomnia ptoblem.

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Hi, I am not familiar with Effexor but Ortho Tricyclin is a contraceptive and like all other contraceptives, it isn't 100% effective at preventing pregnancy. So there may be a possibilty you can become pregnant. Best thing to do is use a condom. No chance of pregnancy then.

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Can you take topamax and Cymbalta at the same time?

My neurologist prescribed both Tegretol and Topamax at the same time to prevent my debilitating headaches along with Effexor. It wasn't intentional, but we were adding medications, and planning to slowly discontinue the other later. Neither Topamax alone nor Tegretol alone had any benefit for relieving my horrible headaches. 8 day headaches that were constant and ruining my life. When I take both drugs together, along with the Effexor (I'm not sure I have to keep taking the Effexor, but I and my doctors don't want to change everything around too quickly.) Anyway, I appear to have no negative side effects from combining Tegretol and Topamax. Both certainly make my sleepy and I need more sleep than most people, but I have my life back, in that my waking hours are now happy and almost fully pain-free!! A complete blessing. Even my doctor doesn't understand it.