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Combining benadryl with excedrin under the recommended dose is not in and of itself harmful. Exceeding the recommended dose can be harmful and produce increased side effects. Always check with your Dr. before using more than the recommended dose.

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16y ago
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14y ago

Yes, you can take Benadryl and Excedrin Migraine together.

Excedrin Migraine (or Excedrin Extra Strength) contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin (a non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory) and caffeine.

Benadryl (diphenhydramine) is an antihistamine medication used to treat allergic reactions, minor cold symptoms, and sleeplessness.

Neither should interact with each other, although the drowsiness of the Benadryl may be offset by the caffeine in the Excedrin.

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14y ago

It is safe to combine Benadryl (diphenhydramine) with Excedrin Migraine.

Excedrin Migraine contains acetaminophen (Tylenol), aspirin, and caffeine. None of these ingredients should interfere with Benadryl - except the caffeine may combat Benadryl's tendency to cause drowsiness.

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12y ago

Only if you stay within the recommended dosage. They both contain diphenhydramine. Excedrin PM you can not exceed 2 per night(or in a day) and if you were to take benadryl with it you would be exceeding the recommended dosage. If you took 1 of each in a day you would be OK. I was taking 2 Excedrin PM per day along with 2-3 Benadryl and my eyes became extremely dry and it was hard getting through the day. Once medications stopped eyes slowly started to get better. This is only a minor complication though. There are serious side effects if the dosage is not followe.

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11y ago

It is sometimes possible for Benadryl and/or Excedrin to help a Migraine. However, whether you should take this combination is dependent upon your past medical history, if your diagnosis is correct, and other issues.

For appropriate diagnosis, treatment and prevention of headache disorders, seek the help of a board certified headache specialist.

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14y ago

Yes I do it all the time, but I usually wait 40 min to an hour between the two. Sometimes the Benedryl takes care of the problem without anything else.

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11y ago

No. Benadryl is diphenhydramine, and Excedrin PM is just acetaminophen (Tylenol) plus diphenhydramine. You can't take them together.

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Q: Can you take Benadryl and Excedrin Migraine together?
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Can I take Excedrin Extra Strength if I am allergic to codeine?

Yes. Excedrin Extra Strength and Excedrin Migraine contain acetaminophen, aspirin, and caffeine. None of these would trigger a codeine allergy.

Can you take excedrin and benadryl together?

Only if you stay within the recommended dosage. They both contain diphenhydramine. Excedrin PM you can not exceed 2 per night(or in a day) and if you were to take benadryl with it you would be exceeding the recommended dosage. If you took 1 of each in a day you would be OK. I was taking 2 Excedrin PM per day along with 2-3 Benadryl and my eyes became extremely dry and it was hard getting through the day. Once medications stopped eyes slowly started to get better. This is only a minor complication though. There are serious side effects if the dosage is not followe.

Is it safe for a 12 year old to take excedrin migraine?

Excedrin (the same as Excedrin Migraine, the same as Excedrin Back & Body) contains three ingredients: Acetaminophen (Tylenol) which is safe. Caffeine which is also safe. The third ingredient is aspirin. Most physicians recommend not using aspirin in children until they are over 18 due to the risk of Reye's Syndrome.

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