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It's not a good idea to take Aleve while on Warfarin.

Essentially, Aleve is brand name naproxen. Naproxen, as well as other Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) slow the clotting of blood. Generally, that isn't a problem. However, you're also taking Warfarin, which is a blood thinner.

Taking these two drugs together can make you bleed more easily, and slow the clotting time when you start. You're better off taking a pain killer that isn't Naproxen, like Tylenol, which is Acetaminophen. I wouldn't take ibuprofen, as it is also an NSAID.

If you're pain isn't mild, as in, it's too strong to be mended with Tylenol, I'd call a doctor. You don't want to mess around with your bloods clotting speed.

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Q: Can you take Aleve if you are on 5 mg of warfarin?
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juvd hrfh

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Is this a 10 mg or a 5 mg?

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