What are the side effects of AN 627?
Tramadol (AN 627) also known as Ultram - is a long lasting drug that is used for pain.An allergy to Tramadol can cause hives, swelling of the tongue, lips, face and throat - this would be a medical emergency, the swelling could cut off your ability to breathe. Stop taking it and call your doctor immediately if you experience facial swelling.Symptoms of Tramadol overdose include: shallow breathing, slow heartbeat, cold clammy skin, weakness, light-headiness, sleepiness, fainting and coma.People with a history of seizures or recent head injury should not take Tramadol.Tramadol may cause: agitation, fainting spells, fever, racing heart rate, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hyper-reflex, loss of coordination, flushing, dizziness, blurred vision and loss of appetite.Using alcohol with Tramadol can increase the side effects.