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The chemicals in marijuana are metabolized by the liver. Excess or prolonged use of Tylenol can aversely affect liver function, reducing metabolization rates, and in extreme cases cause liver failure.

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14y ago
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12y ago

I took 1 tylenol pm last night than smoked some good stuff and I felt like I was dead and came out of my body, anything I touched I felt like my hands were passing right through and every time I tried to sleep I was afraid I was going to die because it felt lije my heart was beating really fast the effects lasted more than 4 hours I finely fell asleep. I dont want to do that again, so I dont want to recomend it.

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15y ago

Yes. Marijuana can be paired with any other type of drug and not cause an overdose, since overdosing on marijuana is impossible to do.

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Yes. There is pretty much no chance of there being a cross-reaction between the two drugs.

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14y ago

no weed is very bad for you and it kills peopple grow up you will eventually be caught sooner or later who is judging you keep this in mind before you do anything

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Q: Can you smoke marijuana while taking Tylenol?
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You should avoid marijuana when taking medications. Marijuana forces the heart to beat faster, pumping blood around your body quicker. This means medication isn't absorbed as well as it should be.

Can you smoke marijuana while taking blood pressure medication?

Yes, live life Y.O.L.O! Smoke it and go night night