

Best Answer

Yes you can. It isn't the best way to go about it bit it is possible.

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Q: Can you smoke marijuana out of a aluminum can?
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What sicknesses can an idividual get from smoking marijuana?

None unless you choose to smoke out of aluminum cans or aluminum foil. Inhaling the burning aluminum can cause blue lung. Otherwise, no negative side effects have been reported due to marijuana use so far.

What should you use to smoke marijuana?

A joint, pipe, or bong. Making pipes out of aluminum foil is not recommended, because the aluminum does considerable damage to your lungs after a while.

When does a person decide to smoke marijuana?

A person decides to smoke marijuana when they are offered it, have an opportunity to buy and smoke it, or when they have an urge to smoke marijuana.

Does mike epps smoke marijuana?

no mike epps does not smoke marijuana in fact he doesnt smoke anything

Did gandhi smoke marijuana?

Yes, he was a very peaceful man and smoked marijuana as a hobby and as a release. He was known to smoke marijuana with his high officials and friends.

Does Eminem smoke?

== == Eminem used to do smoke in the past, like marijuana, but he doesn't smoke anymore. Not marijuana or cigarettes.

Can you smoke marijuana while having poison sumac?

The question is not can you smoke marijuana while having poison sumac, but WHY are you asking if you can smoke marijuana while having poison sumac? That is the question.

How do you say do you smoke marijuana in Spanish?

fumando marijuana .

If you don't smoke marijuana and you kiss a marijuana smoker immediately after they smoke could you experience dry mouth?


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