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Yes. You can. But you can also get carried away with smoking too much, so if you are going to take ecstasy, be careful.

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Q: Can you smoke ciggarete's if you took an ecstasy pill?
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I have done ecstasy for a week and every now and then I see smoke randomly...why?

you most likely took a pill that was acid based.

If you took one pill of ecstasy 5 months ago will it be in your hair?

no it should not

If you took a ecstasy pill a week ago and you have a drug test today will you pass?


What would happen if you smoked marijuana and took a ecstasy pill?

the marijuana high doesnt really effect me until you start coming down.

How long does ecstasy stay in your system if taken once?

if taken once how long does it stay in your system and you only took half of a pill of ecstacy

My friend gave me a pill and I found out it was ecstasy and I only took one and I jst want to know how will i get over this abd Is there any mental side effects of ecstasy?

if ur still alive then ur fine one pill ain't gonna do nothin to you except make you feel good

Can you puke off ecstasy?

It does metabolise in your body and then excreted in urine. It can be detected for upto 3 days after use.

What color is a heroin based Ecstasy pill?

Ecstasy can be any color of the rainbow, and can have imprints or symbols on it or not. It can be different shapes, and every batch of pills has a different mixture of different drugs. The main ingredient in ecstasy is MDMA otherwise known as molly. pure MDMA is white, but can be an off-white or brownish color.

You took quarter of an ecstasy pill when will it leave your system?

it depends on your body weight and size but a whole pill stayss in your system 3 days im in drug court so i pop a thizz 3 days before my next test and never get cought

How long does it take for an ecstasy pill to kick in I took it at 5 38 it's not 6 48 and I had a full box of Chinese food 1 hour before and drunk soda right after..?

The amount of time it takes for an ecstasy pill to kick in depends on the pill you take. Since it is not regulated, there is no way to tell how long it will take. You may not even have ecstasy because of this. It also affects different people differently. Since you ate Chinese food it may take a little longer or have a smaller effect due to other things being digested.

What to do if you took your pill earlier than usual?

If you took your pill earlier, there is no additional risk of pregnancy. If you're on the combination pill you can take your next pill at the usual time or the new early time. If you're on the progestin only pill, take your next pill within three hours of the time you took today's pill.

What is a sentence for pill?

The nurse asked the patient to take his pill.I don't want to swallow the pill.