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can u shoot up non gel fentanyl patches

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Q: Can you shoot up non gel Fentanyl?
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Can you shoot up Fentanyl?

People do it all the tme....

Has anyone ever overdosed from shooting up the gel from a Fentanyl patch?

Yes, plenty of people have overdosed and even died from shooting up Fentanyl patches, both the gel containing patches and gel-less patches. The amount of Fentanyl in patches contains several days worth of Fentanyl, depending on the strength of the patch and a persons tolerance the total amount of Fentanyl can kill even the most tolerant of people several times over. Proceed with extreme caution when venturing into the IV injecting of Fentanyl patches!

How do you shoot up fentanyl transdermal system with vinegar?

I recently came across a 25 mcgh/hr fentanyl transdermal patch from Mallinckrodt. I've never tried it before but this type has no gel to it. I was told to draw up 50ml of water and put the patch in a cooker. Let it sit for 15 min and beat it down with the plunger before drawing pack up. hope it works.

How long will gel out of a Fentanyl patch show up in a urine test after eating it?

What does it matter? You'll probably be dead.

When you read a DNA sequencing gel from the bottom to the top is what you read called the coding strand or the non-coding strand?

When reading a DNA sequencing gel from bottom to top, you are reading the sequence of the complementary non-coding strand of DNA. This is because the gel displays the sequence of bands corresponding to the bases in the DNA template strand, which is the non-coding strand.

Fentanyl Death from Eating the Gel?

Duragesic and other Fentanyl patches contain Fentanyl suspended in a gel solution, which is delivered transdermally over a 2-3 day period to the patient. Since it's a timed-release drug, cutting the patch and eating the gel bypasses the timed-release function and instantly gives the person a massive dose of Fentanyl, which even for highly opiate tolerant patients like myself, can be extremely dangerous or fatal. For most who are on high doses, the effects are usually confusion or delirium; for those who aren't opiate tolerant or use drugs like Cocaine or Heroin, the effects are usually fatal, since Fentanyl is 100 times stronger than Morphine. Fentanyl users have the drug in their systems 24/7, and as such, build up a very high tolerance to its effects. Patient who start using it have already used other opiates for some time, and already have a high tolerance before using it. Those who aren't regular users and aren't tolerant to the effects usually die of respiratory or cardiac arrest, or a combination of both. The most common cause of death though is ignorance and a lack of respect for how powerful an opiate Fentanyl is.

How does Fentanyl show up on a drug test?

Fentanyl is an opioid with a structure very different from that of other opioids such as heroin and oxycodone. Thus, if fentanyl were to be tested for on a drug test, it would show up only as fentanyl, not opiates (morphine, codeine, heroin) or other opioids (oxycodone, hydrocodone, etc.).

Can Tylenol three's show up as Fentanyl?


How do you break down non-gel Fentanyl using vinegar or lemon juice?

Cut up the matrix patch into small pieces. Put the amount required for a dose into a spoon. Add 1.5ml of distilled white vinegar. Add light heat (not boiling) and stir for 10-15 minutes. Check the quantity of vinegar left, and add water to make up 1ml as some will have evaporated. Draw it into your syringe and away you go. Please be careful, Fentanyl is extremely strong and it's easy to over do it. Try not to miss, or you'll find out how much vinegar burns.

How long does ratio Fentanyl stay in urine can it be detected?

fentanyl usualy carnt be detected in the urine because is is an opieod but if the test for opieods it will show up. fentanyl stays in your syistem for up to 2 to 3 weeks hope that has help.

Can airsoft guns shoot gel pellets?

Yes, you can buy miniature "paintballs" for airsoft, however they break easily, ruining guns and do not show up very well.

Will tramadol or Fentanyl show up on a standard urine test?

Tramadol will not show up, but Duragenic " Fentanyl" will show up since it's a CII opiate it will show on a urine test.