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You will probably pass. However, the heavier the person, the longer it stays in the system. But 25 days should be long enough for mj to get out of your system. If you are really paranoid, you can get a drug test at any drug store to make sure!

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14y ago
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14y ago

If you didn't smoke for 2 months, your system was clean. In all likelyhood you should pass. I suggest you drink as much you can for 1 hour before going for the test (as much as a gallon if possible) to flush your system. Be prepared to pee a lot.

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13y ago

Your chances are slim, but if you drink a lot of fluids and eat certain foods it is possible. Use the restroom as much as possible, work out, anything that gets your heart pumping or makes you pee.

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15y ago

Yes it is likely you will pass as long as you only smoked it once and were not habitually using it. The detection period for a single use is no more than a week.

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15y ago

Most likely NOT. It takes 30 days to fully get the drug flushed from all detection in your system. Levels of the drug will still be detectable after just 2 weeks.

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14y ago

No. Marijuana takes anywhere from 2 to 6 weeks to leave your system, so, 2 days is not nearly enough time. See the Related Link below for more information.

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14y ago

Depends if your high at the time of the urine test.

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Not without flushing.

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Q: Can you pass urine test if you smoked 16 days ago and before that you haven't smoked in 2 month ago?
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You havent smoked weed in a month and have a piss test in another month should the THC be out of your sysytem?

So the urine test is two months from the last time using cannabis? In that case, you should definitely pass. Even at one month, there is a good chance you will pass.

If you smoked one marijuana joint and do nothing about it how long will it stay in may urine and have not smoked in the past year?

weed stays in your system forat least one month after you used itif u havent smoked in a long time then u smoke one joint then i say give it forteen days or less butt u sshould just drink lots off water

You haven't smoked for a day shy of a month will you pass your urine test?

It depends on a lot of things like your age, metabolism, weight, height.. but yea, you have a good chance of passing if you haven't smoked for about a month.

What will show on a 3 month urine sample?

If you haven't smoked anything for three months, you should be clean.

Will marijuana show up on my urine if I smoked once a month ago?

No but it will still show up in your hair.

If you smoked the day before a urine test would it be detected?

marijuana? yes.

Will you pass a lab 5 panel urine drug test if You smoked a month ago and have a drug test in 2 days?

I don't know how much you smoked before you stopped, but with a 30-day no-weed window I'd say you're safe.

You smoked a cigar filled marijuana called a blunt 18 days ago and havent drunk any water or worked out im 59 weigh 170 can you beat the urine drug test?

no you cant marijuana doesn't pass until around a month, sometimes longer from a blunt

How long does marajiana stay in your urine?

Marijuana will show up in urine for up to 13 days. This will also depend on the frequency of use and the quantity taken.

What color is your urine if you smoke weed?

The same color it was before you smoked the marijuana, the color is not affected.

If you haven't smoked in a year and smoked early this month twice and have a drug test in February do you need to be worried about failing a hair or urine test?

Yes, and you should also be worried about your giant vagina.

I smoked a cigar filled marijuana called a blunt 18 days ago 1st time smoking in a long time you havent drunk any water you havent worked out and im 59 and weigh 170 lbs can you beat a urine drug test?

Yes. Drink water, lots of water to be sure. But since you have not smoked in a long time, you should be good.