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Nope.. Your hair can trace drugs and s*** 7 years back.. dont go shaving your hair cause they can take arm hair or anything

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Q: Can you pass a hair test 2 days before you took 2 exctasy?
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You quit smoking weed 75 days ago is it possible to pass a hair test?

Depends on how long your hair is.

To pass hair test in 1-2 days from now What is the best way?

Wax all the hair off your body.

Can you pass a hair follicle drug test 10 days after taking an opiate Darvocet?

No, hair test detect drug usage : 36h after - up to 90 days.

How long after you smoke pot will you pass a hair drug test?

around 30 days

Can you pass a hair drug test if you not used methamphetamine in twenty two days?

no not long enough 45day with a half inch of hair

Can you pass a hair drug test if you smoke 5 hits 83-87 days ago?

can i pass hair drug test if i smoked 5 hits first time 80 days ago very active workout 4 times a week 185 pounds i have short hair

If you smoked pot once in the past 4 days can you pass a hair follicle test?

no way!

Can you pass a hair follicle test if you took four hits of marijuana about a month ago?

No, it stays in the hair longer than 30 days.

Could YOU pass a hair strand test if done meth 84 days ago?

You may or may not pass the hair strand test depending on the length of your hair and which strand they take. A long hair will grow in your head for years so something that happened 84 days ago would still be in your hair. On the other hand, if you only took it once 84 days ago, that would probably be so little compared to a total hair that it would be hard to measure.

You smoked only 1 joint 60 days ago will if fail a hair test?

You should pass.

Will you pass a hair test if you took a half of a oxy contin eight days ago?

Most likely not.

If you stop smoking for one month before your hair drug test will you pass?

Probably not. The chemical becomes part of the hair. After being clean for a month, your hair would have only grown about a quarter of an inch. All of the hair that is longer than that will tell your usage history.