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Both morphine and diazepam (Valium) have sedative properties, so yes, it is very possible to overdose on the combination. It is unsafe to take either morphine or diazepam except by prescription from a qualified doctor, and you should be sure that your doctor knows about all medications you are taking.

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Pyes you can with no risk at all

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Q: Can you overdose on morphine and diazepam together?
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Can you mix morphine with diazepam?

After morphine you may not need diazepam at all. Morphine is very much dangerous drug and diazepam is very safe drug. Morphine has to be used very carefully and diazepam can be used almost routinely in today's world of lot of psychological tensions.

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At once? Absolutely that is an overdose.

What do they give you if you overdose on morphine?

The reversal agent for all opiates, including morphine is naloxone.

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It was an accidental overdose on morphine

Can you overdose if you mix morphine with marijuana?

Yes, Idiot don't do that.

What is naloxen?

Nalaxone also known as narcan is a medication which reverses the effects of morphine. it is given in a morphine overdose or and allergicreaction to morphine It is actually given for overdose of SEVERAL drugs not limited to but including....percocet, lortab, fentanyl, any narcotic, hence the name Narcan.

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Death from overdose.

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Can you die from overdose of zomorph?

If you're sensitive to Morphine then 200mg can kill you.

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Yes, if you take a lot of those pills at one time you will most definitely have some form of an overdose reaction

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If you took 200g of morphine would that cause an overdose?

200 grams of morphine would kill anyone who took it. Morphine is usually administered in miligram quantities, example: 6mg of morphine intravenously is a strong dose.