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I have been taking 1mg x 3(or)4 daily of Ativan & 20mg Citalopram for nearly 3 weeks now and other than a slightly lessened libido, all is well so far. Hope this helps. Good Luck (Obv. always check with your Dr. for advice, yada, yada....)

teecee :-)

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14y ago

You can safely take these two medicines. I am going to give you the "Anxiety Lecture" though.

There is only one CURE for anxiety - therapy. Tranquilizers only cover up the problem without curing anything. I urge you to find a good therapist who can teach you healthy ways to deal with stress and anxiety, so you can get off the sedatives and get back to living!

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Q: Can you mix Ativan with citalopram?
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A person should not mix Ativan and Xanax. This is because the two drugs work with the body in the same way and could cause an overdose.

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Mixing citalopram with promethazine can increase the risk of certain side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, and difficulty concentrating. It is important to consult a healthcare provider before combining these medications to ensure it is safe and appropriate for your individual situation.

Can you mix Haldol and Ativan in the same syringe for injection?

Yes. You can mix haldol and ativan for an IM injection. It's done frequently done in situations of frank psychoses, like in an ER or psychiatric facility and can be referred to as "halivan." The effect is quite potent and the drugs should only be given by medical personnel with the proper credentials in a location where the patient can have proper monitoring.

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Can you mix Valium and ropinirole?

I have checked with a pharmacist friend, he said it is ok to take ativan (lorazepam) and requip (ropinirole) together.

Can you mix sleeping pills and Ativan?

You dont want to ever mix any thing with crack.  It is way to harsh on your system.  Wait at least an hour after using before talking any other substance.  But Ativan has not caused any serious problems yet