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The Birth Control pill will not harm or end a pregnancy, but a woman stops taking them if she finds out she's pregnant, as they are of no further use.

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Q: Can you harm the fetus with birth control pills?
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How can taking birth control harm your fetus?

You don't need/shouldn't to take the birth control pill when you're pregnant.

Can birth conrtol kill a month and half fetus?

No, birth control will not harm or end an existing pregnancy.

Is it harmful to get pregnant and take birth control pills?

Birth control pills will not harm or end a pregnancy, but a woman stops taking them if she's pregnant as they are of no further use.

Would birth control pills harm a six year old if take it?

There is no need for them to but no I don't think it would.

Does it have any affect while i pills twice during period?

While I pills? Are you asking if you can take birth control while having your period? It is pointless but will not harm you.

You had a miscarriage in February and you have been off and on with your birth control pills and it has been about 2 months being off of birth control pills and you were wondering how long it is going?

How long it is going for what? Missing birth controls like you have will put you at risk of pregnancy. If your trying to conceive then stop taking birth control because this will harm the Foetus when you do conceive.

What if you took 3 birth control pills in one day?

There is no harm in taking three birth control pills in one day, other than possible side effects like nausea or breast tenderness. This is the older approach to emergency contraception. But, unless you needed the morning after pill or were advised by your health care provider to take pills this way for bleeding, there is no benefit in taking three birth control pills in one day.

If you're pregnant and take diet pills will that harm the baby?

taking birth control if you may be or are pregnant can and will harm the baby. A friend of mine was pregnant and took a pack of birth control pills to terminate the pregnancy, and it worked. so the answer is yes.

If someone took 4 birth control pills at one time by accident during first week of pregnancy could it harm the baby?

yes extremely

What if you take four birth control pills at a time?

Its not a good idea to take four birth control pills at a time to try and prevent pregnancy because if you already are pregnant, not even four pills can help you now and on top of that you wouldn't want to harm the baby if you already are pregnant. I know someone who had a physically deformed baby because she continued using her birth control pills while pregnant. She thought she would eventually end the pregnancy but she was so wrong. You should throw out your pack if you've missed four pills and start up a new one as soon as your period has come and gone.

If your birth control pills have expired should you use them?

You shouldn't use any medication after its expiration date. At the very least, they could be innefective. At worse, they could cause harm to you.

Can the birth control pill make your period lighter and shorter?

Yes you will still get symptoms of pregnancy if you conceive while on birth control pills. But, why are you continuing to take birth control pills when you suspect you may be pregnant? This will harm the unborn fetus and cause disabilities including miscarriage. Also ; birth control pill will give you pregnancy symptoms. Because you've had normal periods which lasted 3 days I would think it's unlikely you're pregnant. While on birth control your period will be a lot lighter than it previously was. It is most likely the pill causing this light bleeding which is normal but do a pregnancy test to be certain.