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What are you doing??? Asking online about giving a pregnant dog drugs???? You need to get your cheap ass to a vet, and then you need to get your dog fixed after she has puppies. Get yourself fixed too, while you're at it. What are you, a breeder or something? We don't need to be having any more puppies or kittens. There are already BILLIONS out there with no home. Every animal you bring into this world is one animal who is euthanized or dies on the street. Freaking idiot people out there recklessly breeding dogs and giving them drugs on top of it. You make me sick.

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Q: Can you give a pregnant dog diphenhydramine hcl?
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What is the difference between diphenhydramine citrate and diphenhydramine HCL?

There is not much of a difference between the two of these. They are diphenhydramine in different salt forms but will have the same effect. Diphenhydramine citrate will be slightly more readily absorbed in the body than HCl.

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diphenhydramine HCL

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yes, its a pill

What is HCI in unisom sleep melts?

That's diphenhydramine HCl (H C L), not HCI. Diphenhydramine is the active ingredient in Benadryl, as well. It causes drowsiness.

Can you take Diphenhydramine HCL and dayquil together?

You would probably get an overdose of antihistamine, would not recommend it.

Can you take acetaminphen with diphenhydramine hcl while pregnant?

What sleep aid is safe to take while pregnant??

Can you give your 20lb pug Benadryl for his seasonal allergies which are not severe?

It depends on the dosage of Benadryl (Diphenhydramine Hydrochloride (HCL)). The recommended dosage is 1-2mg per lb of the dog. So your 20lb pug would need approximately 20-40mg. The standard Benadryl tablet is 25mg. So give your dog roughly 1-1.5 Benadryl tablets every 8-12 hours as needed for symptoms.

Can you take coumadin and phenylephrine HCL together?

My friend had taken 25 mg of Diphenhydramine, and 500mg of Methocarbamol, and didn't have any problems. They reported being real sleepy. Ask your Doctor, though. What works for others, may not work for you.

Does benedryl come out in your system?

Yes, Benedryl (Diphenhydramine HCL) is excreted mainly though urine. However, some of it is also excreted though feces.

How is Benadryl metabolized?

Benadryl (Diphenhydramine HCl) is metabolized in the liver, although it is distributed throughout the body (including the central nervous system) and a small amount of it passes unmetabolized in the urine.