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The average woman's period doesn't answer to the calendar, coming a few days early or late is normal. However, if you are usually regular, ie you can clock the day you are supposed to get your period, and you had unprotected sex approximate 2 weeks ago, then there may be cause to worry.

Set your mind at ease and go get an over the counter pregnancy test, they are only about 15$ and are shockingly accurate.

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13y ago

It's possible to get pregnant if you're more than 3 hours late with a progesterone-only pill or minipill. Consider using emergency contraception, continue your pack as scheduled, and take a pregnancy test no sooner than 10 days after sex. Use a backup method after being more than 3 hours late with a progesterone-only pill.

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11y ago

Yes, starting your next pack late is one of the best ways to get pregnant. Use a backup method until you've taken seven pills correctly.

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13y ago

Possibly some irregular spotting. Also a chance of pregnancy, so you should use other methods for a week after you restart the pills.

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Q: Can you get pregnant if you start your next pack of birth control three days late?
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Can you get pregnant after missing three weeks of birth control?


Can you get pregnant if you have only been taking birth control for three days?

yes absolutely. you should be taking the birth control for at least a week or two for it to be fully effective.

Can you use birth control pills to move when you get your period?

yes you can just take the birth control, when you stop your period should start three to four days after.

Can your take three birth control pills at once?

No. There is no need to. The birth control pill is a hormone and you have to take the pill every day for a complete cycle to have them work. They are not magic and if you do not take them everyday you will get pregnant.

If you take bc for three days then stop will you get pregnant?

Yes it is extremly possible. But sometimes the birth control will have alterd your cycle.

What are the chances of being pregnant if I missed my period and had spotting three days but recently discontinued birth control?

You're not pregnant. Same thing happened to me :) im 16. Biggest scare of my life but no you're not pregnant.

You are on the nuvaring birth control you have only had it in for four days but you have had your period within those days Is it possible for you to get pregnant since you have had sex for three days.?

good new is you had your period meaning you are not pregnant.

Can you get pregnant after being off the pill for a month and then restarting back the pill?

Yes. If you miss three pills in a row, you might as well have never even taken birth control, it is completely ineffective at that point and is recommended that your throw that pack away, start a new pill either with your period or on a Sunday start point. If you read your birth control instructions that come with your prescription, it should explain all these details.

Would my boy friend have to use a condom ever if i took the birth control pill perfectly?

Even if you take the birth control pill perfectly, there's a chance you could get pregnant. Of 1000 couples using the birth control pill perfectly for a year, three will get pregnant. If you can accept that risk, and aren't at risk of infection, then you don't need condoms. Make sure you and your partner have discussed and agreed on your course of action if you did get pregnant before you decide to stop using condoms.

Can you take one birth control pill to stimulate your period?

The birth control pill will not stimulate or jump start your period. Talk to your health care provider if your period is more than three months late.

Can you get pregnant from pre-ejaculate if you're on the birth control pill?

Yes you can, but the chances of you becoming pregnant while taking the pill and using a condom is very small. All birth control is only about 99% effect. As long as you use it right and take you pills right you should be fine.

Could the absence of spotting after missing three birth control pills in a row be an early sign that you are pregnant?

look. you can get pregnanton birth control. if your spottin and your not on your period, then go see your gynecologist or family doc n let them know. it's probably nothing