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Q: Can you eat lemons when taking metformin?
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do you have to test your sugar levels when taking metformin

Can metformin cause diarrhea and stomach pain?

Yes, diarrhea and stomach pain are some of the side effects when you first start metformin, or if you eat a high-fat meal or snack while taking metformin. Starting with a low dose and increasing gradually, taking care to not overdo fatty foods, and (according to some) using the controlled release version of metformin can help reduce these side effects. In addition, stopping and starting metformin often will cause you to go through the initial period of side effects just as often, so be faithful in taking it as prescribed.

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I m pregnant,having UTI.and on baseline tests DM/GDM diagnosed accidentally.can I take metformin alongwith amoxil

Can you eat grapefruit while taking glimepiride?

Grapefruit can increase the hypoglycemic effect of metformin. Talk to your doctor about it, you may be able to enjoy grapefruit in moderation.

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Why girls eat lemons?

Some Boys and Girls like Lemons.

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Can cats eat lemons and is it safe for them to consume?

No, cats should not eat lemons as they are toxic to them and can cause digestive issues and other health problems. It is not safe for cats to consume lemons.

May you eat lemon while taking antibiotics?

Yes. While grapefruit interacts with many drugs' metabolism, I am unaware of any issues with lemons.

Can metformin affect THC levels?

There is limited research on the interaction between metformin and THC levels. Metformin is primarily metabolized by the kidneys and does not significantly affect the cytochrome P450 system, which is involved in THC metabolism. It is best to consult with a healthcare provider for personalized advice.

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