This depends on what exactly you mean by "do drugs." It is never ever advisable to do any kind of illegal or recreational drugs. If you are talking about other medications that you need, just make sure you tell your doctor all current medications you are taking. He will know whether or not anything will interact with prednisone before he prescribes it. While taking prednisone, you should also ask your doctor's advice or pharmacist's advice before taking any over-the-counter medication.
Drugs that are prescribed by a doctor are medical drugs.
drugs, drugs and drugs
Hard drugs
Licit drugs are drugs that are legal.
illicit drugs are control drugs while licit are drugs that are not control
no drugs are good drugs rule
Unproven drugs are drugs that are against the law.
These drugs include amphetamines, antidepressant drugs, antipsychotic drugs, caffeine , and lithium.
Drugs education is the education of teaching others about drugs.
Drugs that control vomiting are called antiemetic drugs.
Cytotoxic drugs-- Drugs that function by destroying cells.
Drugs can interact with other drugs, foods, and beverages