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No, the antibiotics should only be give as instructed by the vet. Putting it in water will dilute it and it won't work.

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Q: Can you dissolve the contents of antibiotics in water for your dog?
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Antibiotics from a vet

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You should never give your dog antibiotics yourself. If your dog needs antibiotics then he or she needs to be taken in to see a Veterinarian to correctly diagnose the problem. The Vet would know what is the proper antibiotic to give and in what dose. Why mess around with your pet's life??

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Your dog is seven years old she had a cold can igive her 250 milligram of amoxicillin antibiotics and how often?

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can i mix aspirin and antibiotics for a dog If you want to kill yourself! ask a doctor about that.

What dog antibiotics are safe for humans to take?

This Better be a joke. Do not take them!

How long should a 15 yr old dog be on antibiotics to ensure a kidney and throat infection are cured Could the kidney infection be connected to the throat infection?

Your vet can answer this question for you. He should have told you this when he prescribed the antibiotics for your dog.

How do you treat strep in a dogs eye?

You need to take your dog to a veterinarian. Your veterinarian will most likely give you antibiotics to give to you dog.

Your dog is 44 days pregnant will she be ok take antibiotics?

ONLY if the veterinarian prescribes them.