yes people die in their sleep when they overdose on zopiclone no more than 15mg should be taken and its for short periods of time only or it can cause heart palpitations and withdrawal symptoms.
I let you know after I find out.
call emergency service right away and stay online to a ambulance arrives
Uses of Zopiclone Medication
yes you can overdose on either
Both morphine and diazepam (Valium) have sedative properties, so yes, it is very possible to overdose on the combination. It is unsafe to take either morphine or diazepam except by prescription from a qualified doctor, and you should be sure that your doctor knows about all medications you are taking.
what?? i took zopiclone for about 2 months daily and now i take it 3 times a week and iv been taking it at this dose for about 5 months, it helps with insomnia not to kill you.
yes you can overdose and die on that much. that will kill you.
You die.
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They can die.
You die.