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Q: Can you buy osmo patches in boots?
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Where can you buy osmo patch in Sydney?

Yes the OSMO Patch can be purchased in Sydney and a list of places where they can be purchased is available from the official OSMO Patch website stockist page

Can the osmo patch be purchased in Australia?

There are several stocklists where you can buy the Osmo patch in Australia. They include Steve's Pharmacy, Westside Pharmacy, and True Health.

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Osmo Lindeman's birth name is Osmo Uolevi Lindeman.

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Osmo Saarnio's birth name is Osmo Kalervo Saarnio.

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Osmo Soininvaara's birth name is Osmo Heikki Kristian Soininvaara.

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Osmo Kaila died in 1991.

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Osmo Jussila was born in 1938.

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Osmo Kaila was born in 1916.

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Osmo Buller was born in 1950.

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Osmo Vänskä was born in 1953.

Can the osmo patch be purchased in Canada?

OSMO patches is available in Canada from the following official stockists:- Simply Health Palisades Centre : 12827 140 Ave, Edmonton, Alberta T6V 1P1 - Ph: (780) 406 1919- Fred's Health Shop: Humbolt, Saskatchewan Ph: (866) 742 9273

Where do i buy womens boots?

You can buy women boots at any retail dealer. I like to buy my boots at my local Target since they are considerably less then other shoe retailer.