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no, weeds have oxygen taht ciggerets don't

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11y ago

No. In order to be killed by marijuana, you would need to smoke your entire body weights worth in less than 90 days. Nobody has enough time or money for that.

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Q: Can weed kill you faster than cigerrets?
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What is the most deadllist cigaers or weed?

weed is most deadliest because it can get u high and kill u in seconds if your driving but if your on your couch your not gonna move till your sober and cigars are beast but will kill you faster in the long run

Can WEED shorten your life span?

No! Weed will kill you it will frikin kill you! Don't do weed!

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Yes. Crossbow weed kill goes to the roots and kill.

Can a man who smokes weed get you pregnant faster than a guy who dose'nt smoke?

No, simply supersticion

Can weed kill?

Weed can not kill you it just gets you high but if you overdose on it, it will affect you in different kind of ways

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Smoking Weed has never killed anyone.

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How weed killer can kill you?

It can kill you because it has chemicals in it that are poisonious to humans

If you sweat does weed get out faster?

No. Time removes THC.

How do you kill ragweed?

Use a broad leaf weed killer...or any weed killer.

If you smoke weed everyday can it kill you?

no yes