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Q: Can urine test tell the difference between cocaine and amoxacilian?
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What can you put in urine to clean cocaine out of your system?

Is there anything you can put in your urine to clean cocaine out of it

What shows as cocaine in urine test?

cocaine + anything else

What is the difference between crack cocaine and regular cocaine in a urine test?

If you smoke it, yes. Crack is freebase cocaine. They both metabolize into benzoylecgonine, however when you burn crack, your also releasing methylecgonidine which it is metabolized to ecgonidine.

How can you mask cocaine in your urine test?

The real answer is you Can't mask cocaine in a urine test, no matter what you try.

What is the best method to rid cocaine from urine?

the best method is to never do cocaine to begin with, then it will never be in your urine.

How soon is cocaine detectable in urine?

Cocaine is detectable in urine as soon as 4 hours after first usage

What is trace amount of cocaine in urine mean?

It means you did cocaine.

Would tap water dilute cocaine in the urine?

Maybe a little, but the guys in the lab know the difference between tap water and urine. If you add tap water to your urine sample, they're just going to call you back for a retest and make someone watch you the entire time. There's also the possibility of you getting on trouble for intentionally diluting it. this really depends on where you live as well as the reason for the drug test.

What is the best way to past a cocaine urine test?

don't do cocaine

What product can effectively mask the presence of cocaine in urine?

not doing cocaine

How long does cocaine stills in your urine?

Cocaine stays in your urine for three days. If you want it out sooner sweat profusely for two days after consumption.

What color is your urine if you use cocaine?

What color is your urine use crack