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While taking tramadol, I had two drug tests which came back positive for TRACES of methadone. My probation officer called up and asked if there was anything I wanted to tell her, and I said "about what?". Then she told me I had traces of methadone in my urine sample, and I told her there's no way, I haven't been near any methadone much less taken it. She let me slide since it was just traces and not a full positive, I guess. Then it happened again and I still gave her the same truthful answer -- no methadone taken. She told me if she finds out I'm lying to her, she won't have any mercy on me. And I was like sheesh what is going on here? After I stopped the tramadol, I didn't have that problem anymore.

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Q: Can tramadol or trazadone cause a false positive methadone result on drud test?
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Can unisom give false positive result for methadone?

methadone is methadone. The answer is no. Edit: The answer is a qulaified "yes". The level of uniosome would have to be toxic.

Can trazadone cause a false positive for methamphetamine?

It will not result in a false WILL show a positive result if you are tested for Sedative-Hypnotics. If so, you should take your prescription into the drug test with you or some sort of proof.

If you use tramadol and get a drug urine test done and have only used your methadone will it show up as if you have used drugs?

Yeah, you'll test positive for synthetic opiods. When you take a drug test, they will ask if you're on any prescription meds. You produce the prescription, and they ignore the positive result for that particular drug.

Can daily Strattera usage create a false positive result for methadone on urine dip?

yes i just took one and i had a flase positive for methadone and i have been on a 80mg dose of strattera for a few years

What can cause a false positive MTD drug test?

Methadone. Usually perscribed for an opiate maintenance plan.

What does methadone show up as on a urine screen?

Methadone does not cause a positive result in a standard screen for morphine and codeine. There is a methadone-specific screen available.It will only show up as methadone if it is being tested for.

Will methadone show up as an opiate on a drug screen?

If you take a 5 Panel Drug Screen, it will be Negative for Methadone. Methadone is synthetic and does not cause a positive Opiate result. However, the 10 and 12 panel drug screens do specifically test for Methadone as one of the 10 or 12 types of drugs.

Will you test positive for meth taking Benadryl?

No, Benadryl (diphenhydramine) will not give a false positive for methamphetamine. However, Benadryl may cause a false positive for methadone in simple immunoassay tests, though more advanced tests can resolve a disputed result.

Can you take methadone right after suboxone?

can you take methadone after taking swuboxone

How long does it take to get oxycodone out of your system and pass a pee test?

yes, all opiates will produce a positive result. the liver metabolizes hydrocodone into oxycodone metabolite thus showing positive result for an opiate even though the person was taking hydrocodone. this is the standard for detection of hydrocodone and oxycodone. furthermore, morphine is tested with a positive result detecting codeine. however, methadone is metabolized a little differently and thus tests will show positive for methadone if testing is done on methadone differentially. if a test looking for opiates in general, then it will be positive for any and all opiates at that time. likewise, other tests can specifically look for heroin, morphine, and methadone. i do not believe testing differentiates b/t hydrocodone and oxycodone because of the aforementioned so the answer to your question is yes.(for use only as general advice, please use further personal research to validate and confirm these statements.)

Would carbamazepine naproxen and cycobenzaprine and tremadol give a positive reading on a urinalisis for opiates?

Tramadol is not an opiate. It is an opioid, which is a synthetic opiate. It will not show up on a basic drug test. Naproxen will not give a false result for opiates on a drug test. It will give a false result for marijuana.

Does methadone come up on a basic urine test?

I am not familiar with arc manor, but methadone will show up in a narcotic urine analysis. Generally, simple drug tests will show a positive or negative result for general catagories of drugs, in your case, opiates. Other catagories include THC, amphetamines, psychoactives, etc. Methadone does not show up as an opiate, it has its own catagory, now whether or not they test for it, I dont know....?