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Well that would depend upon what kind of symptoms of pregnancy you are experiencing.When starting Birth Control pills it can cause your breasts to enlarge making them "Swollen" or tender". It took me about 3 different tries and about 8 or 9 months to find a brand of birth control that didn't make me feel sick to my stomach all the time. But your doctor should have also told you to use a backup form of contraception for at least a month after starting birth control. So if you did not do that then you may be pregnant.

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I'm going to say, it depends on the individual. For me, yes... on the pill, I didn't have any symptoms, especially during my period. But when I stopped the pill, and was on my period, just the smell of certain foods--i.e. chocolate, Chinese food, etc.--caused me to become nauseous. And I wasn't even pregnant... In general, each woman is different.

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Q: Can stop taking your birth control cause you to have pregnancy symptoms?
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I have all the symptoms for pregnancy but i changed my birth control pill 3 weeks ago. Are these symptoms still from changing my pill or could i be pregnant?

if you have had unprotected sex recently even if you are on birth control you could be pregnant. i suggest taking a pregnancy test :)

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Birth control GIVES you pregnancy symptoms. If she thinks she is pregnant she shouldn't be taking birth control any more and should see her doctor to find out.because birth control doesn't help if you are pregnet.

Am on birth control no symptoms of pregnancy and neg pregnancy tests?

This is what you would expect to occur; but there are slight chances to become pregnant even when taking the pill.

Could stopping the birth control pill cause pregnancy symptoms?

If you're not taking the pill, it's always possible to get pregnant, fake symptoms or not.

How do you detect pregnancy symptoms from birth control withdrawal?

With a pregnancy test.

You have all the symptoms of a pregnant woman you just still have a period and feel sensations in your belly if you should take a pregnancy test while on birth control will the results be accurate?

A pregnancy test on birth control will be accurate and probably negative. Birth control gives you pregnancy-type symptoms but if you have not taken your pills correctly or have been taking abtibiotics which may reduce their effectiveness take a pregnancy test.

Does stopping taking the pill mess up getting pregnant?

Taking the birth control pill lowers the risk of pregnancy. Not taking the birth control pill does not lower the risk of pregnancy. You are more likely to get pregnant when you are not taking the birth control pill.

You took birth control pills before taking a pregnancy test will that affect it?

Birth control pills have no effect on pregnancy tests.

How do i know if the symptoms are from my birth control or if i am pregnant?

Take a pregnancy test

Do you have to be pregnant to take birth control?

No, you should not be pregnant when taking birth control. Birth control is meant to lower the risk of pregnancy.

Is it possible to become pregnant on birth control And what are the symptoms of pregnancy while on birth control?

Even the most effective birth control methods, such as IUDs and Implanon prevent unwanted pregnancy at a rate of 99.9%.