

Best Answer

No, but it will fry your brain enough to make you ask stupid questions...

...and get the munchies!


Which brings me back to the other question... which is the better app... cake app yum or munchie app yum??

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Q: Can smoking weed make kidneys infection worse?
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If you smoke weed while you have a tooth infection is it going to make it worse?

I'm smoking with an infection right now but I'm on augmentin (strong antibiotic, more so than amoxicillin). I was told it shouldn't hurt it. But I'll you know if it gets any worse.

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Can you use hydrocortisone on a yeast infection?

Hydrocortisone will not treat a yeast infection, and can make it worse.

Can you smoke marijuana if you have a gum infection?

No it will make your infection worse, and besides it is illegal you know, or (at least I hope)

Is there anything that can make asthma worse?

Smoking (even 2nd hand smoke ) cold air By kw

Does smoking while on your period make you cramp worse?

Women that smoke are more likely to get cramps so I'm pretty sure that if you smoke during your cramping it can make it worse well at least it does for me

Can you smoke weed with clove dressings in after having a minor infection after wisdom tooth extraction?

NO, you moron you should not even be smoking that in the first place what is wrong with you, Do you know how bad that stuff is for you? Oh and back to the question if you smoke with an infection you should not smoke because it will make it worse. Try to some hot water and slat in your mouth.

Why urine infection affect kidney?

Because your kidneys are connected to your bladder by the ureters. The kidneys make urine, and the urine goes down the ureters into your bladder. See the Related link below.

Will drinking beer for supply make a yeasty rash worse for the babies?

Alcohol consumption can make a yeast infection rash worse, due to the sugar it contains. These sugars are passed through breastmilk, so it is possible for this to make the baby's yeast rash worse.

Can juice make a yeast infection under the neck of infant worse?

I'm pretty sure yeast infection is in someones vagina, not under an infant's neck.

Why does your staffordshire bull terrier urinate at home uncontrollably?

It could be one of many reasons that all require you taking him/her to the vet. It could be a UTI (Urinary Tract Infection), diabetes, enlarged prostate (in males), or even kidneys. You must have your dog checked as soon as possible as to not make their condition worse.

You had a bacterial infection got pills from doctor and it got worse what should you do?

The infection can get worse if the antibiotic chosen was ineffective against the particular bacteria you have-- or if it was really a viral infection instead of a bacterial infection. You should make another appointment to see the doctor. He may need to do a culture to identify the particular "bug" you have, or if he's already certain of the type of infection he may simply change the antibiotic.