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Q: Can pot stay in your system for 120 days?
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If you rarely use pot how long will it stay in your system I used it a few days ago and last weekend a couple times.?

This can stay in your system up to thirty days.

How long does pot stay in your system in drug screen?

how long does pot stay in your system ib drug screen

When Smoking one puff of marijuana a couple of days a week how long will it stay in you system for a urine test?

according to the federal government it takes 28 days for any amount of pot to leave your system

How long does secondhand pot smoke stay in your system?

The length of time that secondhand pot smoke can be detected in your system varies depending on factors such as the amount of exposure and the sensitivity of the testing method. Generally, it can be detectable for a few hours to a few days.

How long does pot stay in your system if you are a regular user?

If you smoke multiple times a day everyday then it can remain in your urine for up to 45 days.

How long does pot stay in your system from one day of smoking?

3 to 90 days after smoking or being ingested orally.

How long does it take to get 2 blunts out of your system?

if you dont smoke pot every day, then the most it will stay in ur system is 3 days tops.

If you took 2 hits of pot yesterday and have a drug test today are you ok to pee?

That would be doubtful. Traces of THC can stay in your system for up to 90 days, and is usually detectable for 14 to 21 days.

Would is show up on a test someone smoked pot three days ago?

Yes, because the technology they use is very sensitive. it also matters on how much pot you smoke. If you smoke alot and often it will stay in your system longer.

How long will 2-hits of pot stay in your system have test in 4-days what to do worried?

It depends on a lot of factors, most importantly, your body size. If you are smaller than the THC will go through your system faster, but if you are larger it will stay in longer. Generally two hits of pot does not get you high, so if you drink water frequently between now and the test, you should be fine.

How long after smoking pot will you be clean?

If you are a heavy pot smoker it will take about 28 days for the THC to be cleaned from your system.

How long before pot leaves system?

30/35 days