put in mouth and swallow
Take four active pills as soon as possible after the accident, and four active pills twelve hours later.
No it is not safe!...because your risk of heart problems, stroke, etc etc etc go through the roof.
Yes. With most birth control pills or other contraception, you need to use a backup method (such as a condom) for at least the first seven days after starting the contraception. If you think you might be pregnant, please see your doctor immediately.
Hormone pills alone do not prevent pregnancy and can actually increase the risk of pregnancy if not used correctly. It is always important to use a reliable form of contraception to prevent unwanted pregnancy.
That is okay but if you have sexual intercourse the next month ensure you use an alternative method of contraception as the pill may not protect you straight away.
Antibiotics can reduce the effectiveness of birth control pills by interfering with the way the body processes the hormones in the pills. This can increase the risk of unintended pregnancy. It is important to use additional forms of contraception while taking antibiotics to prevent this.
You obviously do not understand your contraception medication and YOU NEED TO DO SO. You should make an appointment with your Doctor and ask him/her to explain things to you.
It depends what contraceptive you're using. They can come in Pills which you have to swallow every day and the other way is the injection which you can be given every 3 months.
men use a larger ball than women men tend to dunk more than women do
No, I wouldn't say so. The inactive pills are exactly as the name states. Inactive. They are basically sugar pills which are put into the packet to make way for your menstrual cycle. If you wanna have sex during the inactive pills I'd use some other means of contraception.
No, I wouldn't say so. The inactive pills are exactly as the name states. Inactive. They are basically sugar pills which are put into the packet to make way for your menstrual cycle. If you wanna have sex during the inactive pills I'd use some other means of contraception.