No. Diabetes is a disease of metabolism where the beta cells of the pancrease either produce none or not enough insulin. Changes in estrogen levels may impact blood sugar values, but not severely enough to CAUSE diabetes, although such fluctuations make diabetes more difficult to manage.
Low estrogen levels are known to cause delayed breast growth in teenage girls, but is not the only cause.
Hypo = too low Secretion = production Hyposecretion = too low production Too low production of insulin causes hyperglycemia. The chronic condition is called Diabetes Mellitus.
Low levels of ADH can cause excessive urination (polyuria) followed by extreme thirst (polydipsia). A rare water metabolism disorder, called central diabetes insipidus, is sometimes the cause of ADH deficiency but low ADH doesn't not cause diabetes insipidus.
Teenage girls will mature and grow hips, even if their estrogen level is low. A doctor can prescribe estrogen to help keep levels where they should be if necessary.
High insulin levels occur in an attempt to counter high levels of sugar. Type II diabetes is caused by insulin receptors on cells not having much of a response to insulin. Hence, more insulin is released in an attempt to lower the blood sugar levels. This is why high insulin levels are a symptom of Type II diabetes, not a cause.
Yes, wheat is good for diabetes because it has low levels of sugar.
The ovaries are responsible, in part, for moderating levels of estrogen in the body. Ovarian cysts can cause fluctuations in hormonal levels, producing excessive levels of estrogen, which can decrease sex drive. it does not happen in every case, but it is possible. Ovarian cysts can often make sex painful particularly on deep penetration, if sex is painful sex drive is likely to decrease.
it is diabetes it means you have low suger levels
During menstruation, the female hormone estrogen is typically low compared to other phases of the menstrual cycle. Estrogen levels drop after ovulation if pregnancy does not occur, leading to the shedding of the uterine lining and the onset of menstruation.
i think yes if you produce much testosterone
The endometrium would break down due to low hormone levels.